Entrepreneur Mindset Seminar Series: The Development of Online Shopping Logistics in Macao during the Post-Pandemic Era


On 18th March, 2024, Moon Chun Memorial College, University of Macau held an entrepreneurial mindset seminar titled “The Development of Online Shopping Logistics in Macao during the Post-Pandemic Era”.  This seminar was hosted by Mr. Otto Ieong, CEO of 369 Co-op Town Limited, and Mr. Hunter Cheang, founder and director of Aoyun International Company Limited was invited to share his entrepreneurial experiences in developing cross-border e-commerce logistics services.

Cheang graduated from the University of International Business and Economic in Beijing in 2013. He developed an entrepreneur mindset as early as his university studies. When he returned to Macao after graduation, he saw the need for smart locker services in Macao, so he started his business to address market needs.  Later, he found the great market demand for Taobao’s collection logistics and transformed his business into a cross-border e-commerce logistics service company in 2018. Currently, his company has more than 170 logistics service stations across Macao, serving more than 400,000 users.

During the seminar, Cheang introduced his company’s background and business model. Since the competition in this field is fierce, he said that it is important expand the company’s service stations and add value to the existing service to retain clients. His business philosophy is to put the clients’ needs first and provide services with sincerity. He emphasized that as an entrepreneur, one must possess the trait of “courage”. He encouraged everyone to step out of their comfort zone, bravely embark on the journey of entrepreneurship, and not be afraid of making mistakes.

2024年3月18日,澳門大學滿珍紀念書院舉辦了一場「後疫情時代下澳門網購物流的發展」的創業思維講座。 此講座由369 合伙小鎮有限公司的營運總監楊洪偉先生主持,並邀請澳雲國際有限公司創辦人兼董事鄭鏗泰先生分享其發展跨境電商物流服務的創業經驗。

2013年,鄭鏗泰畢業於北京對外經濟貿易大學。早在大學學習期間,他就萌生了創業的思維。 畢業回到澳門後,他看到澳門對智能儲物櫃服務的需求,於是開始創業,以滿足市場的需求。 後來,他發現淘寶代收物流的龐大市場需求,於2018年轉型為跨國電商物流服務公司。目前,公司在全澳擁有超過170個物流服務站點,服務超過40萬的用戶群。

在講座中,鄭鏗泰介紹了公司的背景和商業模式。 由於該領域的競爭非常激烈,他表示擴大公司的服務站點並為現有服務增值以留住客戶非常重要。 他的經營理念是把客戶的需求放在第一位,以真誠提供服務。 他強調身為一位企業家,必須具備「勇氣」的特質。 他鼓勵大家走出自己的舒適圈,勇敢踏上創業之路,不要害怕犯錯。