2023 Staff Privilege: Banco Tai Fung
2023 員工優惠:大豐銀行

Dear Colleagues,
We are pleased to announce the following staff privilege. Presentation of UM staff card is required in order to enjoy the privilege and please see the below content for your information.
Banco Tai Fung
Promotion Period & Details
- Apply bank account and enjoy a MOP30 e-voucher by activating Tai Fung Pay (valid until 31 March 2023);
- Bind Tai Fung Pay to smart parking service (for payments in carparks and petrol stations) and enjoy a MOP58 e-voucher (valid until 31 March 2023);
- Apply credit card and enjoy HKD/MOP300 cash rebate for spending HKD/MOP3,000 in the first two months, and receive a cake voucher upon card application;
- Enjoy special rate for fix deposit, mortgage and loans;.
- Enjoy discount for YF Life’s insurance products (valid until 31 March 2023);
- Earn MOP10 e-voucher through Tai Fung Contactless Payment (over MOP38) in Macau Taxi APP (valid until 9 March 2023);
- Earn a MOP80 e-voucher by each payment for Macau-China Cross border car insurance through Tai Fung Pay. Each staff can earn a maximum of MOP240 e-voucher (valid until 30 June 2023).
For terms and conditions, please refer to the attached for details. For enquiries, please contact: 2832 2323.
Please visit the website for more updated information of staff privilege: https://hrs.admo.um.edu.mo/staff-well-being/staff-privilege/#top
Human Resources Section
Discount Content (only in Chinese)
Credit Card Application Form
- 開戶並開通「豐付寶」掃碼支付,可獲電子消費劵MOP30元(優惠期至2023年3月31日);
- 使用「豐付寶」綁定智慧出行服務(智慧停車或智慧加油),可獲電子消費劵MOP58元(優惠期至2023年3月31日);
- 申請信用卡並於首2個月刷卡消費HKD/MOP3000,享HKD/MOP300免找數回贈。每申請1張信用卡,可獲贈餅卡乙張(最多獲贈2張);
- 可享定期、樓宇貸款優惠;
- 可享”萬通保險國際公司”保險產品優惠;
- 於澳門電召APP使用大豐銀行無感支付單筆消費滿MOP38,可獲電子消費劵MOP10元(優惠期至2023年3月9日);
- 投保「豐付寶」澳車北上車險,成功投保一款車險送電子消費劵MOP80元,最高可獲電子消費劵MOP240(優惠期至2023年6月30日)。
條款及詳情,請參閲附件。如有查詢,請致電:2832 2323
有關更多最新員工優惠資訊,請瀏覽以下網址: https://hrs.admo.um.edu.mo/staff-well-being/staff-privilege/#top