【Sports Activities】: Rock Climbing Experience (For UM International Students) was successfully held

【體 . 活動】: 攀岩體驗 (澳大國際學生專場) 圓滿結束


Group Photo
UMSU Rock Climbing Club members provide guidance and support to the participants 
Activity Highlights


Rock Climbing Experience (For UM International Students) was successfully held

A Rock Climbing Experience organized by OSA was successfully held in 7 Apr, attracting 23 adventurous and challenge-loving students. The activity not only provided an opportunity to experience the sport of rock climbing but also provided a platform for cultural exchange, attracting students from different countries.

During the activity, members of the UMSU Rock Climbing Club acted as student coaches, providing guidance and support to the participants. First, the student coaches explained the basic techniques and safety guidance of rock climbing to the participants. Subsequently, each participant had the opportunity to experience rock climbing and challenge their physical limits.

It is worth mentioning that this activity attracted not only international students but also some postgraduate students. The activity not only provided physical challenge but also facilitated cultural exchange, everyone encouraged and supported each other, forming friendships and learning from each other during the climbing process.

The atmosphere at the activity was lively and filled with laughter. Everyone enjoyed the rock climbing experience and provided positive feedback on the activity.

Martin Di Lorito
Exchange Student

The Rock Climbing Activity was a great surprise. Even though it was my first experience, I think that the Club Members and Trainers have been excellent at explaining the fundamentals and letting us enjoy every minute of it. Thanks to this experience, in which I managed to reach the Top twice, I feel exceptionally motivated and enthusiastic to climb all other kinds of walls in my Life!


第一次參加攀岩活動後,讓我覺得攀岩是人生一定要嘗試的體驗。讓我最深刻的感悟,一是不斷往前看,攀岩是需要持續專注的運動,眼睛總要往上去預判下一步,專注於自己的目標,不斷朝前看,不畏目標的高度才能無畏向上。二是自我突破,攀岩無疑是一想挑戰自我的運動,腳下踏出的每一步,都是對自己極限的考驗,要不斷超越自己的舒適區,積極尋求自我突破,勇敢嘗試新事物也能更好的認識自我。三是勇敢,攀岩需要勇氣,需要面對來自高空的恐懼和不確定性。在這過程中,我更能感受到,勇氣不是不害怕,而是怕了還敢,面對各種不確定性也能勇敢面對,更勇於挑戰,才能砥礪前進。總而言之,攀岩不僅是一項充滿挑戰的運動,也是valuable life lesson。



Thank you for your support !

Office of Sports Affairs (OSA)