MCM College: Camões House Pastoral Care Series: Sharing Love


Last Wednesday, 3rd April, 2024, Alice Hong, Resident Assistant of Camões House, Moon Chun Memorial College, organized a caring-themed experiential activity in the college. The purpose of that event was to encourage participants to show concern for their friends, and discover the needs of others before entering final examination period. Additionally, it also aimed to provide participants with a better understanding of foreign cultures.

Drawing inspiration from one of Portugal’s traditional graduation activities, where graduates engage in various celebrations starting in May each year, the event replicated Queima das Fitas.

Graduands would purchase ribbons representing their faculty’s colors in large quantities and distribute them to their family, elders, and friends. These ribbons would have blessings and well wishes written on them for the graduating student. We adapted this tradition and extended its scope to students from all grades.

During the event, Alice distributed ribbons to the participants. Participants found it fascinating and expressed that this approach would enable them to assist their less familiar classmates better and encourage introverted students to step out of their comfort zones and make an effort to understand others more.


上週三,澳門大學滿珍紀念書院Camões House的學生領袖在書院舉行了一次以關懷為主旨的體驗活動。此次活動旨在讓大家能夠在考試前夕關心身邊的朋友和學習發現別人的需要。同時,藉此令院生們可以更多地了解到異國的文化。


