MCM College Kickboxing Experiential Course


University of Macau’s Moon Chun Memorial College, Dom Pedro V House, held a kickboxing experiential course on April 10, 2024. The experiential course collaborated with the Macau Kickboxing Association, enabling MCMCers to experience the charm of kickboxing, improve their physical fitness, and cultivate perseverance.

At the beginning of the event, Coach Tam of the Kickboxing Association provided a detailed introduction to the students regarding the basic movements of kickboxing. He then led everyone in trying them out, which immediately deepened their understanding of the sport. In the subsequent session, students began experimenting with the basic movements of kickboxing under Coach Tam’s guidance. They threw punches and agilely dodged, with everyone fully engaged and enjoying the kickboxing experience. The coaches patiently and meticulously corrected the students’ movements to ensure they mastered the techniques correctly and avoided injuries.

The experiential course not only focused on skill transfer but also emphasized cultivating students’ teamwork abilities and willpower. The students were paired up and cooperated with each other, with one punching and the other dodging, demonstrating excellent team spirit and collaboration skills. Simultaneously, the high-intensity kickboxing training deeply instilled in the students the importance of perseverance and determination.

The success of this kickboxing experiential course not only allowed the students to appreciate the joy of kickboxing but also facilitated their growth and progress in sports.

Text: Yifan YING

2024年4月10日,澳門大學滿珍紀念書院Dom Pedro V house舉行了一場別開生面的踢拳體驗班。 此次體驗班與澳門踢拳總會進行合作,讓院生近距離感受踢拳運動的魅力,提升身體素質和培養堅韌不拔的意志品質。

活動開始,踢拳總會的譚教練向學生們詳細介紹了踢拳的基本動作,並帶領大家嘗試,馬上讓大家對這項運動有了更深入的瞭解。在隨後的體驗環節中,學生們在教練的指導下,開始嘗試踢拳的基本動作。 他們或揮拳出擊,或靈活躲閃,雖然動作略顯生疏,但每個人都全情投入,盡情享受踢拳帶來的樂趣。 教練們耐心細緻地糾正學生們的動作,確保他們能夠正確掌握技巧,避免受傷。

體驗班不僅注重技能傳授,還注重培養學生的團隊協作能力和意志品質。 同學們被分配到倆倆一組,相互配合,一方出拳,一方進行躲閃,展現了出色的團隊精神和協作能力。 同時,踢拳運動的高強度訓練也讓學生們深刻體會到了堅持和毅力的重要性。

