Safe School Network Bulletin by Judiciary Police



The following information is provided by Judiciary Police Bureau and posted by Student Affairs Office

Dear students,

The Chinese New Year is approaching, and the Youth Concern Group of the Judiciary Police (PJ) would like to extend our warmest greetings to all students. We wish all students a Happy New Year, the best health, and academic progress.

Many people may engage in festive activities or travel abroad during the Lunar Festival. Wherever you are, the Judiciary Police would like to remind you to stay alert, lock all your doors and windows before departure, and safeguard your property throughout your journey. In addition, there has been a recent surge in scams where fraudsters impersonate government officials, company customer service personnel, telecommunications companies, or mobile payment platforms to send phishing SMS. PJ advises the public to take precautions against these traps. Stay informed about crime and fraud prevention, and share the information with your family and friends. Cooperate with the police to prevent and eliminate crime. Please save and share the following prevention tips with your loved ones.

Theft prevention tips:

  • Do not openly display your wealth and zip up your handbags or backpacks.
  • Keep valuable items such as wallets and mobile phones in the inner pockets or places out of the thieves’ reach.
  • Place your handbag or backpack within your line of sight to avoid being targeted by thieves.
  • Be vigilant when you notice anyone approaching you deliberately.

Fraud prevention tips:

  • Refrain from readily complying with requests from strangers to make money transfers or transactions.
  •  Scammers can use software to display any phone number, so do not readily trust strangers’ identities.
  • Remember the three principles of fraud prevention: “firmly refuse,” ” immediately hang up,” and “actively  report.”
  • If you suspect a phone scam, stay calm and immediately call the Anti-fraud enquiry hotline at 88007777 or contact Student Affairs Office in the University of Macau (Tel: 8822 4901  Email:


The Youth Concern Group
Community Policing and Public Relations
Division of the Judiciary Police



春節假期, 大家可能會外出參加節日活動或旅遊, 司警局提醒大家,無論身在何處,都要提高防罪警惕,離家前務必鎖好門窗,旅途中要妥善保管財物。 此外, 最近假冒政府機關或公司客服人員、 假冒電訊公司或移動支付平台發出釣魚短訊等詐騙案又再湧現, 司警局在此特別提醒大家須時刻提高警覺, 慎防墮入騙局; 平日多留意並與家人、朋友分享警方的防罪防騙資訊, 警民合力共同防罪滅罪。 以下的防罪小貼士, 大家可以收藏並與親友分享。


  • 切記財不可以露眼, 將手袋或背包拉鍊拉好;
  • 錢包、手機等貴重物品應放在衣服內袋等賊人不易觸及的地方;
  • 將手袋或背包放置身前視線範圍內,減低被賊人盯上的機會;
  • 如發現任何人故意靠近,須提高警覺。


  • 切勿隨便應陌生人要求進行匯款或轉帳;
  • 騙徒可通過軟件任意設置來電號碼,故不要盡信陌生人自稱的身份;
  • 緊記防騙 3 原則”果斷拒絕”、 “立即掛線”、 “主動報案”;
  • 如懷疑遇到電話詐騙時,應保持冷靜並立即致電本局防騙熱線 88007777或聯絡澳門大學學生事務部(電話:88224901 電郵


