MCM College: Spring Excursion to Hengqin Mangzhou Wetland Park


As spring returns, the temperature warms up and the days shine with infinite vitality. On 13 April 2024, Guia House of Moon Chun Memorial College, University of Macau organied a Spring Excursion to Hengqin Mangzhou Wetland Park.  It was the perfect time to enjoy nature. Participants experienced natural tranquility in the wetland park which combines wetland protection and natural scenic spots to marvel and admire. Participants were completely immersed in the ecosystem as they walked along the park whilst listening to the sounds of nature, and watching birds in full flight. This trip not only offers participants an appreciation of natural ecology, but also garners support for the protection of wetlands. After the visit, the group headed to the Flower Sea Corridor campsite to enjoy barbeque and watch the beautiful sunset together.



春回大地,氣溫回暖,萬物復甦,煥發出無限生機。 2024年4月13日,澳門大學滿珍紀念書院Guia House舉辦橫琴芒洲濕地公園春遊活動。 這是享受大自然的最佳時機。濕地公園將濕地保護與自然景觀融為一體,讓參與者感受到大自然的寧靜,令人驚嘆不已。 參與者完全沉浸在生態環境中,沿著公園漫步,聆聽大自然的聲音,並觀賞飛翔的鳥兒。 此行不僅讓參與者領略自然生態,也是對濕地生態保護的支持。 參觀結束後,一行人前往花海長廊露營地,一起享受燒烤和觀賞美麗的日落。