MCM College: “Dimension Door” Talent Show


MCM College House Association (HA) organised the annual Talent Show at UM’s Student Activity Centre Theatre on 17th April, 2024.  The theme for this year is “Dimension Door”: a metaphoric discovery of infinite possibilities for the future. The event attracted nearly a hundred participants, affiliates and fellows from across UM. Eight performances from different Houses, college band and college dance troupe consisted of comic skits, variety acts, dancing and music performances. The event showcased talented performers and outstanding creativity and teamwork to the fullest, much to the delight and applauding audience. That night was also the finals of “Voice of MCMC”.  The three finalists sang with passion and impressed the audience with their own charisma. Finally, Mandarin House won the championship for the seven consecutive year, and Chan Ngan Long was voted the winner of the Voice of MCM.

澳門大學滿珍紀念書院之院生會於2024年4月17日在澳大學生活動中心劇院舉辦一年一度的才藝表演。今年的主題是「任意門」,寓意發現未來無限的可能性。本次活動吸引了近一百名參加者及來自澳大的教員及導師。當晚一共進行了八場才藝表演,分別由不同House的院生,書院樂隊及書院舞蹈隊演出,包括小品、綜藝、舞蹈及音樂表演。每場演出都包括小品、綜藝、舞蹈和音樂表演。此活動充分展現了才華橫溢的表演者、出色的創造力和團隊合作精神,贏得了觀眾的陣陣掌聲。當晚也是「滿珍之聲」的總決賽,三位決賽選手充滿激情地獻唱,釋放自己的魅力感動台下的觀眾。最後,Mandarin House連續七年奪得今年才藝晚會的冠軍,而陳銀龍榮獲今年的滿珍之聲。