UMSU: Movie Showcase and Discussion: “This is Life” was successfully held



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由澳門大學學生會主辦的“觀影會及映後談:《煙火人間》於4月23日在崇文樓演講廳成功舉行。本次映會邀請到清華大學影視傳播研究中心、清影工作室創辦人、監制 雷建軍教授,以及清華大學新聞與傳播學院博士研究生、製片人 王靜女士創作的《煙火人間》 分享電影創作的心得和原因,並由澳門大學學生會主席吳健豪擔任主持人,深入探討電影的內容。


電影 《煙火人間》首部豎屏院線電影並以剪輯短視頻的方式,正如像電影的名字一樣充滿了人間溫情,呈現了背井離鄉、奮力拼搏在社會生產一線的人民,展現當代中國人群像和社會逐步發展的趨勢。看著影片中的基層人民為了生活而奮鬥,為了夢想而拼搏,不論艱辛,並隨著社會和科技的發展,不同年齡層的人們都可以以短視頻的方式紀錄自己的生活,在這個忙碌的社會中注意到生活中的小幸福和趣事,為自己留下深刻的回憶和快樂的瞬間。正所謂,時光煮雨,歲月縫花,這煙火人間,事事遺憾,事事也值得。








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澳門大學學生會 謹啟


文 | 黃芷晴

圖 | 劉潔怡

Movie Synopsis

“This is Life” is a vertically-oriented feature film collaboratively created by 509 ordinary individuals through documentary-style footage. Through vibrant, candid, direct, and unadorned self-shot videos, the film presents a portrait of contemporary Chinese people who have left their hometowns and are striving on the frontlines of social production. They can be seen in fields, factories, during transportation, and amidst concrete and steel, experiencing the scorching heat of summer and the harshness of winter.

The film revolves around a character who, despite stumbling along the way, moves forward with a smile, showcasing tremendous personal strength in the face of adversity and the cyclical journey of overcoming challenges. Within the context of drifting struggles and the physical and emotional journey of returning home, it outlines a world of loyalty and camaraderie unique to the Chinese people. The film delves into the lives of individuals who, against the backdrop of rapid societal changes, pursue material aspirations while seeking spiritual fulfillment. It offers a vivid and authentic depiction of contemporary China, filled with vibrant and resilient souls through the “self-portraits” of diverse individuals.

Contact Person
Name: The University of Macau Students’ Union General Assembly
Phone: 8822 4599
Fax: 8822 2372