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21 2024-08

“Alumni Association of University of Macau Students’ Union Scholarship for Best Student Leaders” is now open for application (Application deadline: 2 Sep 2024 17:00)

“Alumni Association of University of Macau Students’ Union Scholarship for Best Student Leaders”
is now open for application!

In order to recognize the contribution of outstanding student leaders who have served the University, their fellow students, and the affiliated student organizations, the University of Macau and the Alumni Association of University of Macau Students’ Union (AAUMSU) have established the Scholarship for Best Student Leaders to praise their dedication and efforts, as well as to encourage them to lead the development of student organizations actively.


  1. Applicant must be the student leader or member of UM Students’ Union (UMSU), or student leader of its sub-organizations.
  2. Applicant must have served in UMSU or sub-organizations for at least two years.
  3. Applicant must achieve a GPA of 2.3 or above.

Application Method:
Please submit the application form via email to sao.leadership@um.edu.mo before the application deadline (i.e. 2 Sep 2024, 17:00). Late application is not accepted. 

Award Method:

  1. The applications will be passed to AAUMSU for selection.
  2. The Scholarship will be presented to the recipients at the University of Macau Scholarship Presentation Ceremony.
  3. There are two scholarship quotas available and each recipient will receive MOP 5,000.

The related details could be browsed on the SDS website (Other Scholarships):

(Note: AAUMSU reserves the final right of interpretation for details and issuance of “Alumni Association of University of Macau Students’ Union Scholarship for Best Student Leaders “.

Student Development Section
Tel: 8822 4640 / 8822 4638
Email: sao.leadership@um.edu.mo




  1. 申請人須為澳門大學學生會領導機關或工作單位成員、或其附屬組織的管理機關成員。
  2. 申請人須於學生會或其附屬組織服務至少二年
  3. 申請人須獲平均分2.3 或以上。

申請人須於截止申請日期 (即2024年9月2日17時正) 前填妥表格,電郵至 sao.leadership@um.edu.mo。逾期申請不予受理。


  1. 申請表會轉交至澳門大學學生會校友會進行甄選。
  2. 有關獎學金將於澳門大學獎學金頒獎典禮中頒發。
  3. 獎學金共有兩個名額,每名得獎者可獲得5,000澳門元。



電話: 8822 4640 / 8822 4638

“Alumni Association of University of Macau Students’ Union Scholarship for Best Student Leaders” is now open for application (Application deadline: 2 Sep 2024 17:00)2024-09-03T00:00:09+08:00
20 2024-08

CMSA, UMSU: 2024 Recruitment Activity (Aug 22-23, 12:30-16:30, E4 booth)



The content is provided by the CMSA, UMSU, reported by SAO.


「CMSA澳門大學學生會內地學生會 2024-2025招新活動」擺台宣傳和奶茶福利!




“CMSA 2024-2025 Recruitment Fair: Booth Promotion and Milk Tea Treats!

China Mainland Students’ Association of UMSU will host a recruitment booth promotion event on August 22nd and 23rd from 12:30 to 16:30 at the E4 to E6 corridor. Milk tea will be provided during the event! We welcome all students to help promote our recruitment drive. Limited quantities of free milk tea are available daily, first come, first served!

Date: August 22nd-23rd, 12:30-16:30
Location: E6-E4 Corridor
Limited daily supplies of milk tea – first come, first served!
All students are welcome to assist in promoting the recruitment drive. Follow our official account to queue and receive your milk tea treat.

UMSU China Mainland Students’ Association

CMSA, UMSU: 2024 Recruitment Activity (Aug 22-23, 12:30-16:30, E4 booth)2024-08-24T00:00:05+08:00
3 2024-05

UMSU: Movie Showcase and Discussion: “This is Life” was successfully held



The content is provided by the UMSU and reposted by SAO.

由澳門大學學生會主辦的“觀影會及映後談:《煙火人間》於4月23日在崇文樓演講廳成功舉行。本次映會邀請到清華大學影視傳播研究中心、清影工作室創辦人、監制 雷建軍教授,以及清華大學新聞與傳播學院博士研究生、製片人 王靜女士創作的《煙火人間》 分享電影創作的心得和原因,並由澳門大學學生會主席吳健豪擔任主持人,深入探討電影的內容。


電影 《煙火人間》首部豎屏院線電影並以剪輯短視頻的方式,正如像電影的名字一樣充滿了人間溫情,呈現了背井離鄉、奮力拼搏在社會生產一線的人民,展現當代中國人群像和社會逐步發展的趨勢。看著影片中的基層人民為了生活而奮鬥,為了夢想而拼搏,不論艱辛,並隨著社會和科技的發展,不同年齡層的人們都可以以短視頻的方式紀錄自己的生活,在這個忙碌的社會中注意到生活中的小幸福和趣事,為自己留下深刻的回憶和快樂的瞬間。正所謂,時光煮雨,歲月縫花,這煙火人間,事事遺憾,事事也值得。








有關澳門大學學生會更多內容,請訪問澳門大學學生會網站:https://info.umsu.org.mo/ 如果您有任何疑問,請通過電子郵件的方式隨時與我們聯繫:presidium@umsu.org.mo

澳門大學學生會 謹啟


文 | 黃芷晴

圖 | 劉潔怡

Movie Synopsis

“This is Life” is a vertically-oriented feature film collaboratively created by 509 ordinary individuals through documentary-style footage. Through vibrant, candid, direct, and unadorned self-shot videos, the film presents a portrait of contemporary Chinese people who have left their hometowns and are striving on the frontlines of social production. They can be seen in fields, factories, during transportation, and amidst concrete and steel, experiencing the scorching heat of summer and the harshness of winter.

The film revolves around a character who, despite stumbling along the way, moves forward with a smile, showcasing tremendous personal strength in the face of adversity and the cyclical journey of overcoming challenges. Within the context of drifting struggles and the physical and emotional journey of returning home, it outlines a world of loyalty and camaraderie unique to the Chinese people. The film delves into the lives of individuals who, against the backdrop of rapid societal changes, pursue material aspirations while seeking spiritual fulfillment. It offers a vivid and authentic depiction of contemporary China, filled with vibrant and resilient souls through the “self-portraits” of diverse individuals.

Contact Person
Name: The University of Macau Students’ Union General Assembly
Phone: 8822 4599
Fax: 8822 2372
Email: presidium@umsu.org.mo

UMSU: Movie Showcase and Discussion: “This is Life” was successfully held2024-05-31T00:01:10+08:00
19 2024-04

UMSU: Movie Showcase and Discussion: “This is Life” (23 April, 18:00-21:00)



The content is provided by the UMSU and reposted by SAO.



澳門大學學生會現誠邀您參與“澳大學生會觀影會及映後談:《烟火人間》”。電影《烟火人間》榮獲2020年中國紀錄片學院獎 最佳創新紀錄片獎,2020年第4屆平遙國際電影展 開幕影片,2020廣州國際紀錄片節 金紅棉影展 閉幕影片等多個獎項。是次映後談將邀請清華大學影視傳播研究中心教授、清影工作室創辦人、《煙火人間》監製雷建軍教授以及清華大學新聞傳播學院博士研究生、《煙火人間》製片王靜女士分享拍攝背後的故事,並與澳大師生交流探討。詳情請參閱如下:

  • 電影名稱:《煙火人間》
  • 日期:2024年4月23日(星期二)
  • 時間:下午6時至8時30分
  • 地點:崇文樓演講廳 (E34 – G011)
  • 嘉賓:
  1. 清華大學影視傳播研究中心教授、清影工作室創辦人、《煙火人間》監製雷建軍教授
  2. 清華大學新聞傳播學院博士研究生、《煙火人間》製片王靜女士
  • 語言:中文
  • 報名參與:請掃海報二維碼入微信群



我們誠邀各位學生、教職員及有興趣人士參與。有關澳門大學學生會更多內容,請訪問澳門大學學生會網站:https://info.umsu.org.mo/ 如果您有任何疑問,請通過電子郵件的方式隨時與我們聯繫:presidium@umsu.org.mo

澳門大學學生會 謹啟


Category: Seminar / Lecture

Organizer: University of Macau Students’ Union

Date: 23 Apr 2024

Time: 18:00 – 20:30

Venue: G011, Cultural Building (E34)

Target Audience: All are welcome

Speaker: Prof. Jianjun LEI, Ms. Jing WANG

Remark: Please scan the QR code on the poster to join the WeChat group and register for this event.

Language: Mandarin


Movie Synopsis

“This is Life” is a vertically-oriented feature film collaboratively created by 509 ordinary individuals through documentary-style footage. Through vibrant, candid, direct, and unadorned self-shot videos, the film presents a portrait of contemporary Chinese people who have left their hometowns and are striving on the frontlines of social production. They can be seen in fields, factories, during transportation, and amidst concrete and steel, experiencing the scorching heat of summer and the harshness of winter.

The film revolves around a character who, despite stumbling along the way, moves forward with a smile, showcasing tremendous personal strength in the face of adversity and the cyclical journey of overcoming challenges. Within the context of drifting struggles and the physical and emotional journey of returning home, it outlines a world of loyalty and camaraderie unique to the Chinese people. The film delves into the lives of individuals who, against the backdrop of rapid societal changes, pursue material aspirations while seeking spiritual fulfillment. Through the “self-portraits” of diverse individuals, it offers a vivid and authentic depiction of contemporary China, filled with vibrant and resilient souls.


Contact Person

Name: The University of Macau Students’ Union General Assembly

Phone: 8822 4599

Fax: 8822 2372

Email: presidium@umsu.org.mo

UMSU: Movie Showcase and Discussion: “This is Life” (23 April, 18:00-21:00)2024-04-24T00:00:02+08:00
19 2024-04

CMSA, UMSU: “2024 CMSA Carpe Diem Talent Show” Final Performance (23 April, 20:00, N2 U-HALL)



The content is provided by the CMSA, UMSU, reported by SAO.



CMSA一年一度大型活動Talent Show,乘一縷春陽,與澳大學子再度相逢。本次Talent Show以Carpe Diem(把握當下)為主題,經過初賽的激烈競爭,精彩的節目脫穎而出。現誠摯邀請各位同學前來觀看2024 CMSA Talent Show決賽表演,届時會有精彩絕倫的表演和激動人心的抽獎環節。期待您的到來!





時間:4月23日20:00 (19:20开始入场)

地點:N2 U-HALL








Dear students, 

Get ready to be dazzled by the University of Macau’s brightest stars at CMSA’s annual Talent Show! This year’s theme is “Carpe Diem” (seize the moment). After the fierce preliminary round, the top performers are ready to shine in the finals. All students are invited to come and enjoy the “2024 CMSA Talent  Show” final performance, filled with amazing acts and the chance to win cool prizes. Don’t miss out – see you there!


Time: 23 April, 20:00 (available entrance at 19:20)

Venue: N2 U-HALL

450 tickets are available for the audience on a first-come-first-served basis!


We look forward to seeing you there!




CMSA, UMSU: “2024 CMSA Carpe Diem Talent Show” Final Performance (23 April, 20:00, N2 U-HALL)2024-04-24T00:00:03+08:00
15 2024-04

【Activity Review】Student Leadership Training Programme : Patriotic Sentiment Activity “Campus Orienteering – Let’s Run!” has successfully completed






To enhance the understanding and sense of belonging of UM students to our country and Macau, members of the Student Leadership Programme (SLP) organized a campus orienteering activity called “Let’s Run”. It aims to promote patriotism and love for Macau. This activity employed interactive games to help participants learn relevant knowledge and cultivate a sense of identity and understanding of the country.

The SLP members set up several checkpoints on campus, and participants were required to follow the provided map to reach each checkpoint to complete the tasks related to national education, which includes the content of the Chinese Constitution, the historical records of the handover of Macau, and famous landmarks in Macau.

Every student was extremely active during the game. They agreed that the orienteering activity’s design could deepen their understanding of the country and Macao while at the same time keeping it interesting, stimulating teamwork, and encouraging healthy living. We would like to thank the students for their participation and support, and we hope that this activity has helped strengthen their sense of identity towards the country and Macau, as well as deepen their understanding of the social and cultural background they are a part of.

Student Leadership Training Programme was established in 2020 to nurture and develop students’ leadership qualities through different activities and training, to enhance their self-confidence, communication, and independent thinking skills. Programme members are required to organize theme-based activities by the end of the semester. For details about the programme, please browse https://sds.sao.um.edu.mo/student-leadership-training-programme_en-description/.

【Activity Review】Student Leadership Training Programme : Patriotic Sentiment Activity “Campus Orienteering – Let’s Run!” has successfully completed2024-05-05T00:00:08+08:00
12 2024-04

【Activity Review】Student Leadership Training Programme : Patriotic Sentiment Activity “Campus Orienteering – Let’s Run!” has successfully completed






To enhance the understanding and sense of belonging of UM students to our country and Macau, members of the Student Leadership Programme (SLP) organized a campus orienteering activity called “Let’s Run”. It aims to promote patriotism and love for Macau. This activity employed interactive games to help participants learn relevant knowledge and cultivate a sense of identity and understanding of the country.

The SLP members set up several checkpoints on campus, and participants were required to follow the provided map to reach each checkpoint to complete the tasks related to national education, which includes the content of the Chinese Constitution, the historical records of the handover of Macau, and famous landmarks in Macau.

Every student was extremely active during the game. They agreed that the orienteering activity’s design could deepen their understanding of the country and Macao while at the same time keeping it interesting, stimulating teamwork, and encouraging healthy living. We would like to thank the students for their participation and support, and we hope that this activity has helped strengthen their sense of identity towards the country and Macau, as well as deepen their understanding of the social and cultural background they are a part of.

Student Leadership Training Programme was established in 2020 to nurture and develop students’ leadership qualities through different activities and training, to enhance their self-confidence, communication, and independent thinking skills. Programme members are required to organize theme-based activities by the end of the semester. For details about the programme, please browse https://sds.sao.um.edu.mo/student-leadership-training-programme_en-description/.

【Activity Review】Student Leadership Training Programme : Patriotic Sentiment Activity “Campus Orienteering – Let’s Run!” has successfully completed2024-04-12T17:41:31+08:00
19 2024-03

Student Leadership Training Programme: Patriotic Sentiment Activity “Campus Orienteering – Let’s Run!” (10 April PM) [1 PE hour, 0.5 SP, 10 CS Points]


學生領袖培訓計劃: 傳承愛國愛澳精神之校園定向活動「齊齊跑起來」
1. 凡參加者步行數達3000步可獲1個體育時數(PE hours) 、0.5個至叻星和10個CS分(團隊協作)
2. 勝出遊戲者將有機會獲得卡包、快餐券或文具券
報名日期:由即日起至4月3日 (額滿即止) 
報名方式:以一個組別為單位,填寫此表格登記資料,成功登記將有專人通知 (https://umac.au1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_cP9TzUdEM8nTxJQ)


1. 參加者須於按登記場次提早15分鐘到達集合地點; 
2. 參加者必須確本人之身體狀況適宜參加活動。如有疑問,請先諮詢醫生的意見; 
3. 請穿著合適活動的運動服裝; 
4. 參加者必須全程參與才可獲得體育時數、至叻星和CS分。
Student Leadership Training Programme: Patriotic Sentiment Activity “Campus Orienteering- Let’s Run”
Objective: The activity aims to enhance UM students’ knowledge of their country and Macao, as well as their sense of identity and belonging. It is also to promote a comprehensive understanding of history and social development and to cultivate a sense of recognition and understanding of national sentiment. Through activities and reflections, everyone can become a bearer and practitioner of national sentiment.
Date: 10 April 2024 (Wednesday) 
Time: Participants should arrive at the assembly point 15 minutes in advance
1st round: 13:00-14:00 
2nd round: 14:30-15:30 
3rd round: 16:00-17:00 
4th round: 17:30-18:00 
Assembly Point: E31-1001 
Target: All UM students 
Grouping: Competition in groups of 3–5 persons
1. Participants who walk up to 3,000 steps will receive 1 PE hour, 0.5 Smart Point, and 10 CS “Teamwork and Collaboration” 
2. Winning participants will have chances to get cardholders, fast food coupons, or stationary coupons
Application Deadline: From now until April 3 (while the quota lasts)
Registration: Fill in the application form to register on a group basis. Successful registration will be notified. (https://umac.au1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_cP9TzUdEM8nTxJQ)


Notes to participants:
1. Participants are required to arrive at the assembly point 15 minutes earlier than the registered time slot;
2. Participants should ensure that they are physically fit to participate in the activity. If in doubt, please consult your doctor first.
3. Please wear suitable sportswear for the event.
4. Participants must participate in the whole activity in order to be eligible for PE Hour, Smart Point, and CS points.


1. Students who attend the WHOLE activity and arrive ON TIME will be given 0.5 Smart Point
2. Students who arrive late or leave early over than 5 minutes will NOT be given any Smart Point
3. Students who leave the venue during the activity for over 10 minutes will NOT be given any Smart Point
4. Students are required to check in/out of the activity with Student ID Card. For those who do not respect the activity or neglect the staff’s guidance, SAO reserves the right to cancel his/her Smart Point

*同學需要於進場時出示學生證登記; 若同學不尊重活動場合或不遵守工作人員的指示,學生事務部有權取消其獲得至叻星的資格

** 全程參加將獲得全人發展獎勵計劃 “團隊協作” 項的10個CS分數。
** Students who attended the WHOLE activity will be awarded 10 UM Competencies (CS) on “Teamwork and Collaboration” in the Whole Person Development Award Program.

** 全程參加及步行數達3000步可獲1個體育時數
** 1 PE Hour is awarded for full participation and walking of 3,000 steps

Student Leadership Training Programme: Patriotic Sentiment Activity “Campus Orienteering – Let’s Run!” (10 April PM) [1 PE hour, 0.5 SP, 10 CS Points]2024-04-11T00:00:29+08:00
12 2024-03

CMSA, UMSU: “2024 CMSA Carpe Diem Talent Show” Preliminary Registration Session (Mar 1-20 )



The content is provided by the CMSA, UMSU, reported by SAO.


CMSA一年一度大型活動Talent Show,乘一縷春陽,與澳大學子再度相逢。本次Talent Show以Carpe Diem(把握當下)為主題,現階段開放初賽報名通道,誠摯邀請各位才藝滿腔的個人或團體前來一展身手。不論是舞蹈,歌曲,還是樂器演奏,相信你一定能在舞台上在一展才華。活在當下,把握現在,孩子們,讓你們的生活與眾不同!







決賽演出將安排在4月23日20:00 ,屆時將邀請專業評委進行點評裁決,並邀請全校學生前來觀賞。所有進入決賽的同學均可以獲得獎金300mop,決賽的一,二,三等獎獎金豐厚,待你一舉奪魁,收入囊中。



  1. 節目類型不限
  2. 節目時長不超過7分鐘
  3. 符合Talent Show主題
  4. 節目如有雙慶元素可加分




初賽地點: S1-159PAXROOM







Dear students, 

It’s that time of the year again! CMSA presents the annual Talent Show, “Carpe Diem,” embracing the theme of seizing the moment. We are currently open for preliminary registrations and warmly invite all talented individuals or groups to showcase their skills. Whether it’s dance, song, or instrumental performance, we believe you can shine on stage. Live in the moment, seize the present – make your life extraordinary!


Don’t hesitate to share your talents with the world;

Each one of you is the protagonist of your own life story.

The spotlight is on you, and the curtain is slowly rising.

At this moment, the stage is illuminated just for you.


The final performance is scheduled for April 23rd at 20:00, featuring professional judges for evaluation, and all students are invited to witness the show. Participants entering the finals will receive a prize of 300 MOP, and the first, second, and third prizes of the final round will be very generous, waiting for you to win the grand prize.


Performance Requirements:

  1. Performance type is unlimited.
  2. Duration should not exceed 7 minutes.
  3. Must align with the Talent Show theme.
  4. Bonus points for elements of Two Celebrations in the performance.


Preliminary Registration Deadline: March 20 (Wednesday) 16:00

Preliminary Selection Date: March 24 (Sunday), 14:00-19:00 (Specific details will be announced via email on March 21)

Preliminary Location: S1-159PAXROOM


Scan the QR code on the poster to register!


Looking forward to your performance!



CMSA, UMSU: “2024 CMSA Carpe Diem Talent Show” Preliminary Registration Session (Mar 1-20 )2024-03-22T00:00:13+08:00
1 2024-02

External Activity: Macao Borderless Youth Association: Photography and Writing Compeition for Higher Education Students in Macau (Dealine: 28 Mar)


下資料由 澳門無疆界青年協會提供,學生事務部代傳。
This information is provided by Macao Borderless Youth Association and posted by the Student Affairs Office.




截止報名日期: 3月28日

電話:6662 2440 / 2828 0015


External Activity: Macao Borderless Youth Association: Photography and Writing Compeition for Higher Education Students in Macau (Dealine: 28 Mar)2024-03-29T00:01:18+08:00
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