Join the “Career Training Workshop: Workplace Skills Enhancement Series” to increase your competitiveness in the workplace
參加 "就業培訓工作坊:職場技能提升系列" 提高你的職場競爭力
日期:08/09/2024 (星期日)
- 為什麼構建人際網絡重要?
- 遇到第一次見面的人,如何跟他 / 她打開話匣子?
– 傳達準確、令人印象深刻的自我介紹
– 練習如何做開場白能給人留下良好的印象 - 如何構建新的人際網絡
– 尋找機會與專業人士聯繫及擴大現有的人際網絡(如:實習、就業活動等) - 如何維持及建立聯繫的基本技巧
– 赴聚會活動之前應如何準備及於活動中如何構建人際網絡(如:實習、兼職、書院的高桌晚宴)
– 打招呼方式:派發及接收名片,握手方式給人留下良好的第一印象等
– 如何開始對話及提出適合的話題來維持交談
– 構建人際網絡的注意事宜 – 正直、真誠及不要失去個人的價值或自尊
Workshop Topic: Business Networking Skills
Date: 08/09/2024 (Sun)
Time: 14:30-17:30
- Why networking is important?
- How to break the ice with a person whom you meet for the first time?
– Deliver a concise, memorable message about oneself
– Practice opening lines and make a positive impression - How to build new networks
– Identify opportunities to connect with professionals and expand current network (i.e., internhip, career activities, etc.) - Basic tips on how to maintain and develop contacts
– How to plan for a networking event and how to network at events (such as internship, part-time, high table dinner in RC)
– Greetings: giving and receiving business cards, handshakes to convey a positive first impression, etc.
– How to start a conversation and suitable topics to maintain the conversations
– Notes for networking – integrity, sincerity, and no loss of personal worth or esteem
Language: Cantonese
Trainer: CPTTM Trainer
Application Deadline: 02/09/2024
Application Link:
日期:14/09/2024 (星期六)
- 分析個人職業能力
– 發揮自我優勢
– 改善自我弱點 - 如何運用自有資源提升個人的核心競爭力
– 認清個人的特質及就業態度
– 提升自我價值及職涯管理的能力 - 掌握職場技能(社交、溝通、合作、管理等)
- 認識上司的管理風格,公司文化及自我價值
- 職場態度
– 有學習的積極意願且能夠反思所學的能力 - 如何保持健康及積極的心態
- 學習如何利用智商、情商及逆商在職場上取得成功
- 職場壞習慣
Workshop Topic: Skills for Workplace Success
Date: 14/09/2024 (Sat)
Time: 14:30-17:30
- Analyze personal career competencies
– Utilize self-strengths
– Improve self-weakness - How to use your own resources to enhance your core competitiveness
– Identify personal characteristics and employment attitudes
– Enhance self-worth and career management skills - Acquire workplace skills (social, communication, cooperation, management, etc.)
- Understand your supervisor’s management style, company culture and self-worth
- Workplace attitudes
– Willing to learn and have the ability to reflect on what have learned - How to maintain a healthy and positive mindset
- Learn how to use IQ, EQ and AQ to succeed in the workplace
- Inappropriate workplace behaviors
Language: Cantonese
Trainer: CPTTM Trainer
Application Deadline: 09/09/2024
Application Link:
日期:15/09/2024 (星期日)
- 打招呼:正確的握手方式、自我介紹(應包含什麼)、職場的賓客接待、電話接聽等
- 基本的溝通技巧:發送電子郵件、日常互動、會議等
- 專業穿著:如何穿著給人留下好印象,第一天上班的穿著
- 一般職場的商務禮儀,如電梯禮儀、尊重、禮貌、守時等
- 第一天上班要注意什麼,如何適應辦公室環境
Workshop Topic: Business Etiquette
Date: 15/09/2024 (Sun)
Time: 14:30-17:30
- Greetings: proper handshakes, self-introduction (what to include), guest reception at the workplace, handling phone calls, etc.
- Basic communication skills: sending emails, daily interactions, meetings, etc.
- Professional attire: how to dress up to make a good impact, what to wear for the first day of work
- General workplace business etiquette, such as elevator etiquette, respect, being polite and punctual, etc.
- What to mind for the first day of work, how to fit into the office environment
Language: Cantonese
Trainer: CPTTM Trainer
Application Deadline: 09/09/2024
Application Link:
日期:22/09/2024 (星期日)
- 解決問題的模式
– 解決問題的原點
– 發現問題
– 防錯管理,使錯誤發生的機會減至最低限度
– 思考習慣病 - 解決問題的程序與步驟
– 問題分析
– 創意解決方案
– 團隊合作與溝通技巧
– 實際案例分析 - 解決問題/持續改善工具
– 解決問題技巧的具體應用
– 效果評估與反饋機制
– 持續改善的方法和工具
Workshop Topic: Problem-Solving Techniques
Date: 22/09/2024 (Sun)
Time: 14:30-17:30
- Models for problem-solving
– Root causes of problems
– Problem identification
– Error prevention management to minimize the occurrence of mistakes
– Habitual thinking patterns - Procedures and steps for problem-solving
– Problem analysis
– Creative solutions
– Teamwork and communication skills
– Analysis of real-life case studies - Tools for problem-solving/continuous improvement
– Practical application of problem-solving techniques
– Evaluation of effectiveness and feedback mechanisms
– Methods and tools for continuous improvement
Language: Cantonese
Trainer: CPTTM Trainer
Application Deadline: 16/09/2024
Application Link:
日期:28/09/2024 (星期六)
- 職場語言的溝通能力
- 溝通的障礙
- 有效溝通的方法
- 不同的溝通風格
- 跨文化及非語言溝通
- 提升職場的社交力
- 協商能力
- 衝突管理與解決方案
- 給予和接受建設性反饋的技巧
- 工作中的人際關係
Workshop Topic: Effective Workplace Communication
Date: 28/09/2024 (Sat)
Time: 14:30-17:30
- Communication skills in the workplace
- The barriers to communication
- Ways to achieve effective communication
- Different communication styles
- Cross-cultural and non-verbal communication
- Workplace social skills enhancement
- Negotiation abilities
- Conflict management and resolution techniques
- Techniques for giving and receiving constructive feedback
- Interpersonal relationships at work
Language: Cantonese
Trainer: CPTTM Trainer
Application Deadline: 23/09/2024
Application Link:
- 行政費(只適用於線下工作坊):
– 全程參加線下工作坊之學生無須繳交行政費。
– 報名前請再次查看你的日程表。一經報名,缺席或未能全程參加線下工作坊之學生,會收到學校發出的電子繳費單,繳付費用將按照每一個缺席或未能全程參加之線下工作坊計算,且需在期限前繳付。
例如:你報了 “高效職場溝通”,所以需要全程出席28/9, 下午2:30-5:30的線下工作坊。每個線下工作坊的行政費為100澳門元。若你報了2個線下工作坊而又缺席或未能全程參與,則需繳交合共200澳門元的行政費。
- 遞交網上報名後,將視為成功報讀選取之工作坊。
- 上課地點/連結將在報名截止後透過電郵通知,敬請準時出席工作坊。工作坊名額有限,以先到先得方式報名,如報名人數超過工作坊名額,將透過電郵通知未能參與的同學。若報名不足,生涯發展中心保留取消該工作坊之權利,並不會收取行政費。
- 線下工作坊已列入「全人發展獎勵計劃」中的「全球競爭力」項目,全程參與者可獲予“CS”分數。(每半小時5分 “CS”)
- 如有查詢,請聯絡李小姐:
電話 : 8822 9903
電郵 :
Points to Note:
- Administrative Fee (Only Applicable to Physical Workshops):
An administrative fee of MOP100 is required for each physical workshop. Please follow the following procedures to settle the payment:
– Students who participate in the whole physical workshop do not need to pay the administrative fee.
– Before submitting the application, please double check your own schedule. Students who are absent for the whole or part of the physical workshop will receive an e-debit note issued by the University. The amount will be calculated based on each physical workshop that students are absent or not fully attended. Please settle the payment before the deadline.
For example: If you have registered for “Effective Workplace Communication”, you need to fully attend the physical workshop on 28 Sep, 2:30-5:30pm. An administrative fee of MOP100 is required for each physical workshop. If you have registered for 2 physical workshops, but absent for the whole or part of the physical workshop, you will need to pay MOP200 in total.
- The application of the selected workshop(s) will be considered successful upon submitting your online application.
- The venue/link will be informed via email after the registration deadline. Please be punctual to the workshop(s). Due to limited quota, applications are accepted on a first-come-first-served basis. If the number of applications exceeds quota, we will inform students who cannot participate in the workshops via email. The Career Development Centre reserves the right to cancel the workshop(s) if the number of applications is below required. Administrative fee will not be collected.
- The physical workshop will be counted as the “Global Competitiveness” area of the “Whole Person Development Award Program”. Participants who have attended the workshop fully may receive “CS”. (Each 0.5 hour of activity is worth 5 “CS”)
- For enquires, please contact Ms. Winnie Lei:
Tel: 8822 9903