MCM College Visit to CIE – Path to Entrepreneurship


On April 24, the University of Macau Moon Chun Memorial College (MCMC) visited the UM Centre for Innovation and Entrepreneurship (CIE) and participated in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Youth Innovation and Entrepreneurship Sharing Session, collectively exploring pathways of entrepreneurship.

Under the guidance of CIE staff, MCMC students embarked on a comprehensive tour, visiting not only the national co-working space and Hap On Aromatherapy Exploration Hall but also delving into the entrepreneurial resources, incubation services, and training programs provided by the center.

In addition to the visit, students participated in a thematic sharing session conducted by Dr. Zhao Jianhai, the founder of Hiphen Capital, and Mr. Jin Weigang, the CEO of Macau Youth Innovation International Group. The session delved into topics such as the current innovation and entrepreneurship environment in the Greater Bay Area, investment and financing strategies, and future industry development. Students actively engaged by posing questions to the speakers and sharing their own entrepreneurial ideas and experiences.

This visit and exchange provided a valuable learning opportunity for students, aiding them in gaining a better understanding of the processes and essentials of entrepreneurship.

Moreover, it facilitated inter-student communication and collaboration, igniting passion and vigor for innovation and entrepreneurship within the student community.

Text: Sam I CHEONG

Staff of CIE introduced Chinese medicine aromatherapy products to the MCMC students

MCMC students visited CIE





文: 張心怡

