The latest issue of e-version My UM (May issue) is available!

最新一期《澳大人》電子月刊 5 月號經已發佈

Dear colleagues and students,

The latest issue of e-version My UM (Apr issue) is available!

Whether you plan to further your studies or enter the job market upon graduation, a portfolio that showcases your university performance can be immensely beneficial. In Feature Stories, we speak with students of different majors to delve into their experiences in leveraging the various academic resource platforms provided by UM to help them create an impressive portfolio (Click here for the article).

In People’s Stories, we interviewed Felizbina Carmelita Gomes, a distinguished UM alumna. Felizbina has been at the forefront of promoting Chinese-Portuguese bilingual education in Macao, earning her the Medal of Merit—Education from the Macao SAR Government in 2023. She shares her remarkable journey as an educator (Click here for the article).


Thank you for your support!

Best regards,
Communications Office 



無論未來繼續升學或求職,一份學術「戰績」彪炳的 Portfolio(個人學習檔案)總會令人眼前一亮。今期「專題報導」訪問了不同專業的學生,了解他們如何把握好大學多元的學術平台,展現豐碩的學習成果(按此瀏覽文章)。

「人物故事」專訪了傑出校友Felizbina Carmelita Gomes,她是推動澳門中葡雙語教育的先驅,2023年更獲特區政府頒授教育勳章,今期分享了她的教育之路(按此瀏覽文章)。

