MCM College 2024 Smart Society Public Welfare Innovation Training Camp

滿珍紀念書院2024 數智社會公益創新訓練營

University of Macau’s Moon Chun Memorial College staff and students participated in the “2024 Smart Society Public Welfare Innovation Training Camp” organized by Guanghua College at East China Normal University from May 20 to 25, 2024. During this period, participating students demonstrated deep engagement with the historical and cultural heritage of the city of Shanghai, coupled with direct experiences regarding the creative manifestations of public welfare innovation within the context of a smart societal framework.

The cohort visited the campus of East China Normal University, participated in the “Shanghai-Macau Inter-university College Education Forum”, conducted site inspections of artificial intelligence enterprises, and explored notable cultural landmarks such as the Guangfulin archaeological site, Liyao Village, the China Network Experience Center, and the Wujing Guangnan Star Garden. Ultimately, they completed four collaborative public welfare projects in conjunction with ECNU students.

Student representatives conveyed that the excursion not only expanded their contextual understanding of Shanghai, but also provided novel insights into the domain of public welfare innovation within a smart societal paradigm. This 6-day study abroad experience enabled the group to acquire substantive knowledge and skills, as well as forge indelible memories and cherished interpersonal connections. Participants unanimously regarded this opportunity as a valuable asset that will inspire their continued pursuit of public welfare innovation within the smart society construct.

One of the participants, Zhang Lingxiao, a liberal arts student, shared: “This training camp has broadened my social horizons, allowing me to understand how smart technology is applied across different aspects of social life, and learn to use AI to solve problems in diverse scenarios. As manual labor is increasingly replaced by AI, we need to keep up with the times and master basic AI skills. But we must also constantly reflect on the value of humanity, guided by broad humanistic concern and the spirit of patriotism and love for the country, so that AI can better serve people’s aspirations for a better life.”

Text: Luo Huangyin

Activity photos:

Opening Ceremony

Visit Artificial Intelligence enterprises

Cultural and Community Engagement



澳門大學學生群體先後造訪了華東師範大學校園、參與了「滬澳高校書院教育論壇」、考察了人工智能企業實踐,並深入探訪了廣富林遺址、李窯村、中國網路體驗中心及吳涇廣南星園等地。最後,他們與華東師範大學的學生夥伴共同完成了「智慧啟鎖,未來寓見」、「AI 你所愛」、「扶窑直上」和「智匯親子」四個公益項目。


「身為文科生,我在本次訓練營活動中拓寬了社會視野,了解到數智技術在社會生活各個層面的應用,學會了善用AI解決各類情境中的問題。在AI快速發展、逐漸更新和取代人工的今天,我們一方面要緊跟時代腳步,掌握使用AI的基本技能,另一方面更應時刻反思人的價值,以博大的人文關懷和愛國愛黨的精神指導AI的使用,讓它更能服務於人民對美好生活的嚮往。」  — 張凌霄





