News Express: UM students visit universities and media organisations during Shanghai study trip



The UM delegation engages in exchanges with students at Fudan University





此外,交流團還參觀了上海廣播電視台(SMG)和小紅書上海總部,了解電視新聞的製作流程和在 AI 時代如何增強傳播力,以及網紅在自媒體時代下解鎖流量密碼的模式。另外,交流團亦到上海博物館、上海城市規劃展示館和東方明珠廣播電視塔參觀,藉此提升學生導賞技巧和接待能力。交流團獲上海廣播電視台融媒體中心副主任陶秋石和小紅書副總編輯朱厚真等接待。




UM students visit universities and media organisations during Shanghai study trip

The Communications Office (CO) of the University of Macau (UM) organised a five-day study trip to Shanghai for its PR Student Ambassadors and UM Reporters. The delegation visited several universities and media organisations in Shanghai to gain an in-depth understanding of the promotion strategies of the universities, how their students engage in news reporting and editing, as well as the operations strategies of media organisations in the age of new media.

Led by Katrina Cheong, director of CO, the UM delegation visited Fudan University, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, and East China Normal University to gain a deeper understanding of these universities’ new media and international promotion strategies, how they operate their integrated media platforms, and how they improve the effectiveness of their promotion strategies. The delegation also visited Shanghai Media Group and the headquarters of Xiaohongshu, where they gained insights into the operations strategies of these organisations, how to enhance communication in the age of AI, as well as how social media influencers boost their visibility and reach. In addition, the delegation explored several cultural landmarks in the city, including the Shanghai Museum, Shanghai Urban Planning Exhibition Center, and the Oriental Pearl Radio & Television Tower.

The PR Student Ambassador Programme and the UM Reporter Programme were launched by CO in 2010 and 2012, respectively. As part of the Media Integration Training Platform for Students, the programmes aim to provide practical experience and exchange opportunities for students interested in delivering guided tours, conducting interviews, and news production, so that they can apply their knowledge and realise their potential. To date, the two programmes have nurtured more than 1,000 students.

To read the news on UM’s official website, please visit the following link: