UM won “GEG Macau Cup – the 16th Youth National Education Competition”
澳門大學勇奪“銀娛澳門盃 - 第16屆青少年國情知識競賽”
今年適逢中華人民共和國成立75周年及澳門特區政府成立25周年,由銀河娛樂集團冠名贊助、國情教育(澳門)協會主辦的“銀娛澳門盃 – 第16屆青少年國情知識競賽”吸引全澳32所中學及高校近1.5萬名學生報名競逐殊榮,人數創歷屆新高。經過連番激烈的比拼後,澳門大學勇奪大學組冠軍。
第16屆青少年國情知識競賽以“加強生態文明•提高新質生產”為活動主題。讓廣大澳門青少年深入瞭解我國生態文明建設、提升新質生產力等領域的卓越成就和國家戰略的重要意義。活動緊緊圍繞主題,加強澳門青少年對國情知識的認知和瞭解,提升澳門青少年對國家的歸屬感和民族自豪感,喜迎建國 75 周年和澳門回歸祖國 25 周年。經過與多支頂級隊伍激烈競爭後,由法學院二年級研究生馮文文、工商管理學院一年級及呂志和書院學生吳卓蔚所組成的代表隊脫穎而出,最終獲得冠軍。
This year remarks the 75th Anniversary of the founding of the People’s Republic of China and the 25th Anniversary of the establishment of Macao S.A.R., “GEG Macau Cup – the 16th Youth National Education Competition” is sponsored by the Galaxy Entertainment Group Macau and organized by the National Conditions Education (Macau) Association.
With the aim of cultivate a sense of patriotism, enhance national pride and a sense of responsibility, the National Conditions Education (Macau) Association organized the knowledge competition targeting to all higher education institutions and secondary schools. After an intense competition, the UM team consisted of a second-year postgraduate student from the Faculty of Law named FENG WENWEN; and a first-year student from the Faculty of Business Administration, and Lui Che Woo College student named UNG CHEOK WAI emerged victorious.
The University of Macau continued to engage in cultivating a sense of patriotism by encouraging as well as supporting students to participate in various activities, competitions and also committed on the implementation of the Macao S.A.R. policy direction.
Student Affairs Office
Student Resources Section
Remarks: In the event of any discrepancies between the English and Chinese versions, the Chinese version shall prevail.