N1 Grand Plaza will be closed from 16 June 2024 to 21 June 2024 due to food and beverage license application process


Dear Colleagues and Students,

Please be informed that services of Grand Plaza at N1 UM Guest House will be temporarily suspended from 16 June 2024 to 21 June 2024 (Sunday to Friday) due to the facilities inspection and preparation work for the license of beverage and food establishment application process. Sorry for any inconvenience caused.

For enquiries, please call 8822 8531 or 8822 8481 or email to css.outlet@um.edu.mo.

Campus Services Section


茲通知位於N1 聚賢樓的「萬豪軒」將於2024年6月16日至21日(星期日至星期五)進行飲料及飲食場所牌照申請程序的設施檢查及準備工作,期間將暫停營業。不便之處,敬請諒解。

如有垂詢,可致電8822 8531/8822 8481或電郵至 css.outlet@um.edu.mo。

校園服務處 謹啟