UM won the Championship of a Cantonese Debating Contest for the second consecutive year
澳門大學廣東話辯論隊日前在2024“有禮生活約章”之”信守承諾,遵守秩序”青少年學生辯論比賽獲得廣東話青年組冠軍, 是連續二年獲得該項比賽冠軍。廣東話辯論隊的邱垚源獲初賽及決賽的最佳辯論員。
於廣東話青年組中,澳門大學於初賽以4:1擊敗澳門城市大學,順利進入決賽,繼而,在決賽再次與初賽敗方最高分得主,澳門城市大學碰頭。決賽辯題為“現今社會青年的個人誠信比個人能力更重要”,正方澳門大學派出主辯為社會科學學院二年級、霍英東珍禧書院的馮卓楠;第一副辯科技學院一年級、霍英東珍禧書院的李金燕;社會科學學院三年級、紹邦書院的邱垚源以及結辯為教育學院三年級、蔡繼有書院的黃穎輝 。最終澳大以4:1擊敗澳門城市大學,並拿得全場最高分,成功奪魁。而在本屆賽事中,邱垚源榮獲初賽及決賽的最佳辯論員獎項。
UM won the Championship of a Cantonese Debating Contest for the second consecutive year
The UM Cantonese Debating team (CDT) has recently won the Cantonese Youth Group Championship in the 2024 “Courtesy Living Charter” Youth/Student Debate. The second consecutive year that the team has won the championship in this competition. QIU YAOYUAN from UM CDT was awarded the Best Debater in both the preliminary and final rounds of the Competition.
Organized by the Municipal Affairs Bureau and co-organized by the Debating and Speech Culture Association of Macao and the Student Union of the City University of Macau, the contest aimed to create an interactive platform for young people and students in Macao to exchange ideas and share their feelings, thereby enhancing their language expression skills and promoting critical thinking. Through debates, participants further understood the importance of “keeping promises and observing order” and “keeping promises and observing order” in a civilized society, and cultivated etiquette and moral behavior in daily life. The contest also encouraged students to take an interest in participating in social affairs and to think about the direction of Macao’s future public policy development, promoting the inheritance of Chinese excellent etiquette culture.
The contest had three categories: Cantonese Youth category, Mandarin category, and Cantonese Junior category. The Cantonese Youth category included debating teams from the University of Macau, Macau University of Science and Technology, City University of Macau, Macau Chi Qing Team, Joint University Student Team University, and Macao New Chinese Youth Team.
In the Cantonese Youth category, UM CDT defeated City University of Macau 4:1 in the preliminary round and entered the final round. They met again with City University of Macau, the winner of the highest score of the losing team in the preliminary round. The topic of the final match was “Personal integrity is more important than personal ability in today’s society”. The University of Macau sent FONG CHEOK NAM, a second-year student from FSS and HFPJC, as the first speaker; LEI KAM IN, a first-year student from FST and HFPJC, as the second speaker; QIU YAOYUAN, a third-year student from FSS and SPC, as the third speaker; and WONG WENG FAI, a third-year student from FED and CKYC, as the final speaker. In the end, the University of Macau defeated the City University of Macau 4:1 with the highest score of the entire competition, winning the championship. In this competition, QIU YAOYUAN won the Best Debater Award in the preliminary round and final round.

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