News Clipping: UM String Orchestra and UM Dance Troupe Won Awards in the 7th National University Students Arts Showcase

新聞分享: 澳大舞蹈隊及弦樂團於全國第七屆大學生藝術展演活動獲佳績


澳門大學舞蹈隊和弦樂團分別於全國第七屆大學生藝術展演活動評選舞蹈類別和器樂類別中榮獲二等獎和三等獎。澳門大學舞蹈隊的作品《絢縵》以及弦樂團的《海頓G大調弦樂四重奏Op.76 No.1第一樂章》在此次展演評選中獲選藝術表演類作品獎項,充分展現出澳門大學文化藝術校隊在培養學生藝術才華的卓越成果。



UM String Orchestra and UM Dance Troupe Won Awards in the 7th National University Students Arts Showcase

UM Dance Troupe (UMDT) and String Orchestra (UMSO) respectively won second and third place awards in the dance and instrumental categories at the 7th National University Student Arts Exhibition and Performance event. The UMDT’s work《Pyrotechnic Blossom》and the UMSO’s work《Haydn String Quartet Op. 76, No. 1》were selected for the artistic performance awards in this showcase, fully demonstrating the outstanding achievements of the University of Macau’s Cultural and Arts U-teams in cultivating students’ artistic talents.

The National University Students Arts Showcase is held every three years and is the largest, highest-level, and most influential arts practice activity organized by the Ministry of Education of the People’s Republic of China. The theme of this session was “Deeply rooting national sentiments, cultivating a courageous character”, the performances were divided into three levels: the university level, the provincial level, and the national level. The goal is to better reflect the achievements of art education across the country, promote artistic practice and exchanges, and provide a platform for learning, exchange, observation, and improvement for schools and students. The national-level showcase was jointly organized by the Ministry of Education and the Hubei Provincial People’s Government, and undertaken by the Hubei Provincial Department of Education and the Xiangyang Municipal People’s Government, with over 7,400 teachers and students from 282 projects representing 31 provinces (autonomous regions and municipalities), the Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps, and the Hong Kong SAR and Macao SAR participating. The activities included on-site performances, art exhibitions, student arts practice workshops, excellent case reports, and social practice events.