CCE collaborated with HKU SPACE to organize an interdisciplinary training program for postgraduate students from Guangzhou University



澳門大學持續進修中心於6月17日至22日,再次與香港大學專業進修學院合作,為45名廣州大學在讀研究生舉辦“跨學科應用專題 – 人工智能、智慧城市、STEM及人文教育課程”。

為期一週的培訓班由一系列專題講座組成,教學內容豐富。學員們首先在香港大學專業進修學院市區教學中心參加專家學者主講的專題講座“人工智能與大數據”和“人文教育”;之後來到澳門參加澳大資深教授主講的專題講座“智慧城市物聯網導論”和“澳門如何迎頭趕上 – STEM 創新科技教育發展的突破關鍵”,並參觀了科學暨工程科普推廣中心。結業禮上學生代表發表感言,認為通過本次培訓,同學們體驗到了港澳兩地的優質特色教學及獨特的城市魅力,獲得很大的收穫。


CCE collaborated with HKU SPACE to organize an interdisciplinary training program for postgraduate students from Guangzhou University

From June 17th to 22nd, the University of Macau (UM) Centre for Continuing Education (CCE) offered the “Interdisciplinary programme – AI, Smart City, STEM and Humanistic Education” for 45 postgraduate students from Guangzhou University.

The one-week training consisted of a series of special lectures. The students first arrived in Hong Kong, where they attended two workshops on “Artificial Intelligence and Big Data” & “Humanities Education” at downtown Centre of the University of Hong Kong’s School of Professional and Continuing Education (HKU SPACE). Then they joined two workshops on “Introduction to the Internet of Things for Smart City” & “How Macao can catch up – the key to breakthroughs in the development of STEM innovation and technology education” and visited Centre for Science & Engineering Promotion in UM.  At the closing ceremony, the student representative delivered a speech, expressing that through this training, the students experienced the high-quality and unique teaching styles of Hong Kong and Macao, as well as the distinctive charm of the cities, and gained a lot from it.

This training is collaborated with HKU SPACE, through the cross-city academic exchange between HK and Macao, it helps to develop continuing education cooperation model in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area.