News Express: UM rector visits top universities and government departments in Brazil to deepen cooperation in research and education



宋永華(右)與Sergio Persival Baroncini Proença
Yonghua Song (right) and Sergio Persival Baroncini Proença




代表團一行到訪聖保羅州,造訪巴西頂尖學府聖保羅大學。宋永華與該校國際合作副校長Sergio Persival Baroncini Proença代表兩校簽署戰略合作框架協議,正式建立戰略合作夥伴關係。雙方重點深化在海洋科學、機器人生物科學和電腦科學等學科領域的合作,並就開展雙學位項目、師生交流項目及聯合研討會等進行多個合作。代表團還實地考察了該校的數值海工水池、無人駕駛車輛實驗室、人工智能研究中心及法學院,並與相關單位的代表就具體合作進行深入探討。

代表團亦訪問了坎皮納斯州立大學,與該校校長Antonio José de Almeida Meirelles 等代表會面,並簽署合作協議,推進師生交流、聯合學術活動,同時探討開辦雙學位項目等。代表團還參觀了該校的電子及電腦工程學院,以及生物研究院與化學研究院的多個實驗室,了解該校的重點科研項目,就科研合作進行了深入交流。

在聖保羅州立大學,宋永華與該校常務副校長Maysa Furlan等代表進行工作會議。雙方就簽署合作備忘錄、開展師生交流和科研合作等達成共識,並探討怎樣在法律、人文、科技及工程學等學科加強合作和交流。

代表團亦到訪巴西首都巴西利亞,訪問巴西利亞大學。宋永華與該校代校長Enrique Huelva Unternbäumen以及多位學科代表會面交流。雙方簽署合作備忘錄,同意在食品安全、法律、電腦科學等領域加強合作,並就相關合作計劃進行了務實討論。代表團分別參觀了資訊科學學院和法學院,積極探討在相關學科的合作計劃。

在巴西期間,代表團拜訪了巴西教育部和巴西科技創新部,與教育部副部長(主管高等教育)Alexandre Brasil Carvalho da Fonseca以及科技創新部專項司司長Leandro Pedron等代表會面,了解巴西在高等教育和科技創新領域的發展方針,並就促進國際高等教育及科研創新合作等議題交換經驗和意見。


隨團訪問的澳大代表團成員還包括法學院院長唐曉晴、全球事務總監王瑞兵,以及科技學院教授Carlos Silvestre。


UM rector visits top universities and government departments in Brazil to deepen cooperation in research and education

To further expand the international cooperation network of the University of Macau (UM), UM Rector Yonghua Song and Vice Rector Rui Martins led a delegation to visit Brazil. During the trip, they signed cooperation agreements with several renowned higher education institutions and established plans for cooperation, deepening the cooperation and coordinated development between UM and Brazilian institutions in the field of research and education.

The UM delegation travelled to the state of São Paulo and visited the University of São Paulo (USP), one of Brazil’s leading universities. Song and Sergio Persival Baroncini Proença, provost for international cooperation of USP, signed a strategic cooperation framework agreement to formally establish a strategic partnership between UM and USP. According to the agreement, the two universities will focus on deepening cooperation in the fields of ocean science, biorobotics, and computer science, and will establish a range of cooperation initiatives, such as dual degree programmes, student and faculty exchange programmes, and joint seminars. The delegation also visited the Numerical Offshore Tank, the Unmanned Vehicles Laboratory, the Center for Artificial Intelligence, and the Law School at USP, and engaged in in-depth discussions with representatives of these units on cooperation.

During their visit to the State University of Campinas (Unicamp), the UM delegation met with Antonio José de Almeida Meirelles, rector of the university, and other representatives. The two parties signed a cooperation agreement aimed at promoting student and faculty exchanges and joint academic activities, and also discussed the feasibility of launching dual degree programmes. The delegation also visited the Faculty of Electrical and Computer Engineering, and the laboratories in the Institute of Biology and the Institute of Chemistry at Unicamp to learn more about the university’s key research projects and have in-depth discussions on research collaboration.

At São Paulo State University (UNESP), Song had a meeting with Maysa Furlan, executive vice rector of the university, and other representatives. The two parties reached a consensus on establishing a memorandum of understanding, launching student and faculty exchanges as well as research collaboration. They also explored ways to strengthen cooperation and exchanges in the fields of law, the humanities, science and technology, and engineering.

The UM delegation also travelled to Brasília, the capital of Brazil, and visited the University of Brasília (UnB). Song exchanged views with Enrique Huelva Unternbäumen, acting rector of the university, as well as representatives from various academic disciplines. The two parties signed a memorandum of understanding to strengthen cooperation in areas such as food safety, law and computer science, and held discussions on related cooperation projects. The delegation also visited the Faculty of Information Science and the Faculty of Law at UnB to actively explore plans for cooperation in the disciplines concerned.

During their stay in Brazil, the UM delegation visited the Brazilian Ministry of Education and the Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation, where they met with Alexandre Brasil Carvalho da Fonseca, secretary of higher education of the Ministry of Education, and Leandro Pedron, director of thematic programs at the Secretariat of Strategic Policies and Programs of the Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation. During the meeting, the delegation learned about Brazil’s policies on the development of higher education and technological innovation. The two parties also shared experiences and exchanged views on promoting international cooperation in higher education and research innovation.

The delegation also met with Zhu Qingqiao, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the People’s Republic of China to the Federative Republic of Brazil; Li Qi, minister counsellor of the Chinese Embassy in Brazil; and Wang Zhiwei, education counsellor of the Chinese Embassy in Brazil. Song gave them an overview of UM’s development in recent years and its research collaboration with Brazilian institutions. He added that Macao is an important platform for economic and trade cooperation and cultural exchanges between China and Portuguese-speaking countries, and that cooperation between UM and Brazilian universities will help the Macao SAR cultivate high-quality Chinese-Portuguese bilingual talent, thus contributing to economic, trade, and cultural exchanges between China and Brazil. Zhu acknowledged UM’s rapid development and said that, in recent years, China and Brazil have achieved remarkable results in cooperation in various fields, such as economy and trade, education, and cultural exchanges. As this year marks the 50th anniversary of the establishment of China-Brazil diplomatic relations, the cooperation between the two countries is entering a new stage of development. He expressed hope that UM will continue to actively support the development strategies of the SAR and the country and establish closer cooperation with Brazilian universities, adding that the embassy will fully support UM in deepening its cooperation with Brazilian universities.

The UM delegation also included Tong Io Cheng, dean of the Faculty of Law; Wang Ruibing, director of the Global Affairs Office; and Carlos Silvestre, professor in the Faculty of Science and Technology.

To read the news on UM’s official website, please visit the following link: