Morning Express: UM Today 《今日澳大》(for students), 25/06/2024

  Tuesday, June 25, 2024  


Time 時間 Today’s Events 今日活動 Venue 地點
10:00 – 11:00 Campus Visit by Escola Choi Nong Chi Tai Kindergarten at Vai Long澳門菜農子弟學校幼稚園(威龍校部)參觀澳大 UM Campus
11:30 – 12:15 FST Seminar: “Computational poromechanics on geomaterial anisotropy and multi-physics modeling” by Dr. Qi ZHANG科技學院土木及環境工程系講座 – 張琦博士 E11-G015, Faculty of Science and Technology
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News & Upcoming Activities 新聞及活動預告 Dept. 部門
UM rector visits top universities and government departments in Brazil to deepen cooperation in research and education澳大校長率團訪巴西頂尖高校和政府機構深化科教合作 CO
A delegation from the School of Continuing Education of Sut Yat-Sen University met with Director of CCE for discussion on training cooperation中山大學繼續教育學院與持續進修中心代表會晤,商討培訓合作事宜 CCE
UM team receives awards at annual meeting of Society of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging澳大研究團隊獲北美核醫學與分子影像年會獎項 FST
Sports: ISF World School Basketball Championship 2024 to take place from 23 June to 3 July, some matches are held in UM Sports Complex (N8)體育:2024年世界中學生籃球錦標賽於6月23日至7月3日期間舉行,部份賽事會在澳大綜合體育館 (N8)舉行 OSA
[For Staff Only] 【IAS】Call for Papers – IAS 4th Annual Conference (2024)[僅供職員] 【高研院】論文徵集 – 高研院第四届年度會議 (2024) IAS
【IAS】Call for Papers – 2nd Greater Bay Area Interdisciplinary Ph.D Forum (2024)【高研院】論文徵集 – 第二屆粵港澳大灣區跨學科博士生論壇 (2024) IAS
【活動報名】「2024澳門大學中銀盃極創客創業大賽」極創營報名(2024/06/26;N1-1005)(Chinese Only) ICI
External Sports Activity: 2024 Summer Sports Festival”, organized by Sports Bureau (OSA Registration Deadline: 7 Jul)校外體育活動:體育局 – 2024夏日競技嘉年華 (OSA截止報名日期:7月7日 ) OSA
More news 更多新聞 / Submit news 發佈新聞
Internal Notices 校內通告 Dept. 部門
[For Staff Only] Training Courses Organized by the Public Administration and Civil Service Bureau (SAFP) (2nd Series of June 2024)[僅供職員] 行政公職局:培訓課程 (2024年6月份第2期) ADMO-HRS
[For Staff Only] UM holds a “Scam Prevention Workshop” for Administrative Staff[僅供職員] 澳大為行政人員舉辦「防騙工作坊」 ADMO-HRS
DBA Oral Defense in Faculty of Business Administration, by Ms. Linwen XU on 27 June 2024 FBA
DBA Oral Defense in Faculty of Business Administration, by Mr. Zihong LIN on 2 July 2024 FBA
DBA Oral Defense in Faculty of Business Administration, by Mr. Xiaofeng JIANG on 2 July 2024 FBA
PhD Oral Defence in Faculty of Education, by Mr. Kaihao YUAN on 27 June 2024 (Thursday) FED
PhD Oral Defense in Faculty of Science and Technology, by Mr. Jingfeng WANG, on 2 July 2024 FST
PhD Oral Defense in Faculty of Science and Technology, by Mr. Xin LIU, on 2 July 2024 FST
PhD Oral Defense in Faculty of Science and Technology, by Mr. Binbin SONG, on 2 July 2024 FST
PhD Oral Defense in Faculty of Science and Technology, by Mr. Zan ZHOU, on 2 July 2024 FST
PhD Oral Defense in Faculty of Science and Technology, by Ms. Xuan LIU, on 1 July 2024 FST
All active notices 所有內部通告
Student Notices 學生通告 Dept. 部門
News Express: UM rector visits top universities and government departments in Brazil to deepen cooperation in research and education新聞快訊:澳大校長率團訪巴西頂尖高校和政府機構深化科教合作 CO-PRS
Morning Express: UM Today 《今日澳大》(for students), 21/06/2024-24/06/2024 CO
All active student notices 所有學生通告
“UM Today” is a daily internal e-newsletter released by the Communications Office, which aims to provide UM members with the up-to-date information about events, seminars, news, internal notices and student activities. To review the previous issues of UM Today, please access the UM Today Database. Should you have any enquiries about UM Today, please feel free to contact the Communications Office at 88228090 or



First Released time首次發佈時間: 25/06/2024 09:00