UM Symphonic Band Video Showcase: Celebrating John Williams’ 90th Birthday : John Williams Film Score Series – “Schindler’s List”

澳門大學管樂團影片分享:慶祝約翰•威廉姆斯誕辰九十週年之約翰·威廉姆斯電影配樂系列 -《辛德勒的名單》



主題:慶祝約翰•威廉姆斯誕辰九十週年之約翰·威廉姆斯電影配樂系列 – 《辛德勒的名單》

The UM Symphonic Band “John Williams Film Scores Series” which was held in April 2022 at the University Hall and has been changed to a recording format. The performances will be showcased to UM staff and students in video format.

Please enjoy the performance by the UM Symphonic Band. Stay tuned for the next performance!

Theme: Celebrating John Williams’ 90th Birthday : John Williams Film Score Series – “Schindler’s List”
Premiered on: 3 March 2023 (FRI)
Premiere time: 09:00am
Duration: 4 minutes and 37 seconds
Video link:

John Williams: Theme from Schindler’s List

Arranged by James Curnow

Sa Ng, Conductor

University of Macau Symphonic Band

《辛德勒的名單》自1993年上映後獲獎無數、備受讚譽,至今仍被認為是電影史上最優秀的作品之一。在John Williams擔當配樂創作的眾多電影之中,《辛德勒的名單》有別於這位偉大的作曲家在其他作品中所展現出的宏偉且波瀾壯闊的悠長史詩,或是充滿節奏感以及律動,震撼人心的行進樂,在這一齣蘊含着人類對戰爭的悲愁哀思,但又閃耀着人性的光輝的電影之中,John Williams再一次向人們展示了音樂能夠表達以及傳達多麼深沉、有力的情感。從音符之中浮現的是人們無助而又微弱的哀鳴,亦是那令人熱淚盈眶的、低聲渴求着和平與希望的人們的悲歌。


Since its release in 1993, “Schindler’s List” has received many awards and critical acclaim, and is still considered one of the best works ever. Among the many films that John Williams has taken part in, “Schindler’s List” differs from the great and magnificent long epics pieces or those powerful and brilliant marches shown in other works of this great composer. This movie that contains shines with the brilliance of humanity and the sorrow of humans against war. John Williams once again showed people how deep and powerful music can express and convey emotion. From the notes, there is the helpless and weak wailing of people, and it is also the sad song of people who cry for peace and hope with tears in their eyes.

In memory of the more than six million Jews murdered.



在他長達70年的作曲生涯當中,他獲得了52次奧斯卡金像獎的提名,5次奪得桂冠,捧走了25座葛萊美獎,取得了3座艾美獎。毫無疑問,John Williams絕對是當今最受歡迎,成就最高的音樂家之一。


The legend of Hollywood. A master of modern music.

His career began in the 1950s. Over the time, he has created countless dazzling, brilliant pieces. “Star Wars”, “Indiana Jones”, “E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial”, “Harry Potter”, etc. There are untold remarkable works which were born with his pen. Those beautiful melodies can always touch the heartstrings of the audience, making every audience fascinated by the stories of the movies.

During his 70-years composition career, he was nominated for 52 Academy Awards, won 5 times, won 25 Grammys, and won 3 Emmys. John Williams is one of the most popular and accomplished musicians today, without a doubt.

This video series is a small tribute to his ninetieth birthday, and also a tribute to the wonderful music he has brought us.

演出團體 Performing Party
澳門大學管樂團 University of Macau Symphonic Band

長笛 Flute
師恩澤 Si En Ze
尉鈺佳 Wei Yu Jia
伍珊儀 Ng san I
甘子霖 Kam Chi Lam
區穎 Ou Ying
麥浩洋 Mak Hou Ieong

單簧管 Clarinet
**鄧凱倫 Tang Hoi Lon
張洪露 Cheong Hong Lou
劉梓謙 Lao Chi Him
蕭樂妍 Sio Lok In
吳君豪 Ng Kuan Hou
吉筱詩 Ji XiaoShi

低音單簧管 Bass Clarinet
陳詠詩 Chan Weng Si

雙簧管 Oboe
廖彥西 Liao Yan Xi

巴松管 Basson
魏召霖 Wei Zhao Lin
劉禧薔 Lao Hei Cheong

中音薩克斯風 Alto Saxophone
劉曉秋 Lao Hio Chao
黃誠家 Wong Seng Ka
馮國輝 Fong Kuok Fai

次中音薩克斯風 Tenor Saxophone
陳承禧 Chan Seng Hei

上低音薩克斯風 Baritone Saxophone
高嘉悦 Kou Ka Ut

圓號 Horn
梁裕彬 Leong U Pan
郭昕穎 Guo Ian Weng
*戴昊廷 Tai Hou Teng
楊兆龍 Ieong Sio Long

小號 Trumpet
賴俊軒 Lai Chon Hin
吳昊翔 Ng Hou Cheong
*梁樂鳴 Leong Ngok Meng
李承恩 Lei Seng Ian
吳偉鏵 Ng Wai Wa
黃永瑋 Huang Yung Wei
何梓琪 Ho Chi Kei

長號 Trombone
楊運浩 Yang YunHao
*江傑民 Kong Kit Man
林月東 Lam Ut Tong
羅鈺淇 Nelia Choi Rodrigues

上低音號 Euphonium
岑世棋 Sam Sai Kei
林騰坤 Lin Teng Kun

大號 Tuba
劉悅龍 Lao Ut Long
唐卓文 Tang Cheok Man

敲擊樂 Percussion
郭綺婷 Kuok I Teng
孫嘉豪 Sun Ka Hou
盧依杰 Lou I Kit
楊嘉怡 Ieong Ka I
李程鋒 Lei Cheng Fong
林綽盈 Lam Cheok Ieng
李婉君 Lei Un Kuan
許淨潼 Hoi Cheng Tong
*梁恩情 Leong I


錄影及影片製作 Recording and Video Production-
梁健行 Leung Kin Hang
梁樂霖 Leung Ngok Lam
林騰坤 Lin Teng Kun
沈傑 Sam Kit
譚智鍵 Tam Chi Kin
周寶怡 Chao Pou I
伍海東 Ng Hoi Tong

特別鳴謝 Special Thanks-
澳門大學 University of Macau
澳門大學學生事務部學生資源處 University of Macau Student Affairs Office Student Resources Section

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