Greetings from the Communications Office in the new academic year!


Dear colleagues and students,

Greetings from the Communications Office (CO) at the start of a new academic year! First of all, we would like to extend a warm welcome to all of you through the following videos, from which you can learn more about the university. Enjoy!


Embark on a new journey at University of Macau

Navigating the UM Campus

UM’s social media channels 澳大社交媒體

UM is available on WeChat, Facebook, YouTube, Instagram, Xiaohongshu Weibo, X, LinkedIn, TouTiao, WeChat ChannelDouyin, Tiktok, Kuaishou, Bilibili and Tencent. Follow UM on these social media platforms to keep up with the university’s latest news and events!
立刻關注澳大社交媒體平台,包括微信公眾號FacebookYouTubeInstagram小紅書微博XLinkedIn今日頭條微信影音號抖音Tik Tok(抖音國際版)快手Bilibili騰訊,接收即時發佈的澳大資訊及活動!

CO’s services 傳訊部的服務

The following are the services provided by Communications Office, for details please visit  CO’s website



If units need to request for the information kit package (includes Introducing UM, UM map, Umagazine, UM bookmark), please contact our colleague Ms Iris Lio at or 8822 8012.
如部門需要澳大資料夾(包括澳大簡介澳大地圖澳大新語、澳大書籤),歡迎與傳訊部公共關係處廖小姐聯絡(電話:8822 8012,電郵。

For more information about our colleagues’ contact in related field, please visit

Best Regards,
Communications Office
傳訊部   謹啟