CO Tips (10): How to invite VIP guests to events and prepare standing/seating plans for your guests?


The UM VIP Database maintained by Communications Office(CO) contains information about guests from different backgrounds including local government officials, university assembly and council members, principles, leaders of business organisations, donors, and media executives, etc. In addition to obtain the latest guest information through the database, units can also prepare a list of invited guests and mailing labels.

If you need access to this database, please obtain permission from your department head and email to for our further handling.


Units can choose the appropriate form of invitation, such as invitation card, letter, etc., depending on the nature of the event and its target audience. For details, please refer to the University of Macau Event Organisation Guidelines (Part 2) and Event Master List (Part 1)  .
 部門可按活動性質及其邀請對象,選擇邀請信、邀請卡或其他方式進行活動邀請,詳情可參考《澳門大學活動統籌指引》(第二部分活動總清單(第一部分)   。   


CO has prepared some invitation letter and reply slip templates for your reference when writing invitation letters. The templates can be downloaded from public share folder (for staff only).

  • The VIP or host should be at the centre of the standing plan, while the placing of the other guests should follow the “right first left second” principle.
    主賓應放在中間,其他客人則按主賓的 “右先左後” 原則順次排列。
  • It is better to keep the number of officiating guests in odd numbers in order to highlight the guest of honour.

For details, please refer to the University of Macau Event Organisation Guidelines (Part 4), and the Local Government Officials Seniority List and UM Management Seniority List.


For enquiries, please contact Ms Connie Cheong or Ms Jill Lu of the Public Relations Section in the Communications Office at 8822 8090 or 8822 8067, or
如有查詢,請聯絡傳訊部公共關係處張小姐 / 盧小姐 (電話:8822 8090 / 8822 8067;電郵。

Best regards,
Public Relations Section, Communications Office
傳訊部公共關係處  謹啟