CO Tips (12): How to tour your guests around the UM campus?


The University of Macau offers four kinds of campus tours catering to the public’s diverse needs for visiting UM, which include:

1. Apply guided campus tour service 申請校園導賞服務
To help the public know more about UM campus, the Communications Office (CO) provides campus tour service on a regular basis. The tours are guided by the well-trained PR Student Ambassadors. Please make an online registration as a group if you or your guests are interested in using this service.

The tours are available Monday through Saturday, with two tours per day at the times below

  • 10:00-11:30
  • 15:00-16:30

Online Registration 網上預約:


2. Browse the 360° virtual tour website 瀏覽360°虛擬導覽網頁
University guests can take a 360° virtual tour through the online platform, you can tour UM’s campus and explore its facilities and environment anytime, anywhere.


3. Watch the video tour 觀看導賞短片
You can also enjoy the beautiful scenery of the UM campus and learn more about the university through the video tour given by our PR Student Ambassadors!


4. Listen to the UM Audio Tour 收聽「澳大遊蹤」語音導賞:
Explore the architectural features of buildings on the UM campus and deepen your understanding of the university’s educational model by scanning the audio tour QR codes available at magazine racks and various locations across the campus.


Additional tips for a seamless campus tour 其他接待小貼士:


There’s a series of UM souvenirs produced for official or personal use, which you could purchase at the UM-authorized bookshop – Plaza Cultural Macau Ltd. The UM bookshop currently sells more than 20 types of UM’s official souvenirs, for more information, please visit CO’s website: In addition, if units need to request for the information kit package (includes Introducing UM, UM map, latest issue of Umagazine), please contact our colleague Ms Iris Lio at or 8822 8012.

大學已委託大學書店(澳門文化廣場書店)製作和售賣大學紀念品作公務用途或個人選購。目前已超過20款官方紀念品,更多資訊可瀏覽傳訊部網頁:。此外,如部門需要澳大資料夾(包括澳大簡介、澳大地圖、最新一期澳大新語),歡迎與傳訊部公共關係處廖小姐聯絡(電話:8822 8012,電郵。


If our campus tours are fully booked, you are welcome to refer to the self-guided tour route. CO has prepared docent scripts and notes for guided tours for UM staff’s reference. Please feel free to download the files from the CO public share folder (for staff only).





For enquiries, please contact Ms Wini Ngan or Ms Jill Lu of the Public Relations Section of the Communications Office at 8822 8018 or 8822 8067, or
如有查詢,請聯絡傳訊部公共關係處顏小姐/ 盧小姐(電話:8822 8018/ 8822 8067;電郵。

Best regards,
Public Relations Section, Communications Office
傳訊部公共關係處 謹啟

More CO Tips 更多傳訊部貼士:
CO Tips (1): About UM motto, emblem and logo 傳訊部貼士(1):認識澳大校訓、校徽及標誌
CO Tips (2): How to apply UM logo correctly? 傳訊部貼士(2):如何正確使用澳大標誌?
CO Tips (3): How to receive the latest news about UM? 傳訊部貼士(3):如何接收大學最新訊息?
CO Tips (4): How to submit your creative work to CO for publishing? 傳訊部貼士(4):如何投交創意作品給傳訊部用作發佈?
CO Tips (5): How to purchase UM souvenirs? 傳訊部貼士(5):如何購買澳大紀念品?
CO Tips (6): Get UM promotional materials and tell UM stories together! 傳訊部貼士(6):索取澳大宣傳資料,一起講好澳大故事!
CO Tips (7): How to download the university templates of PPTs, posters, Zoom backgrounds, desktop wallpapers, letterhead and name tents?傳訊部貼士(7):如何下載大學簡報、海報範本、Zoom背景、電腦桌面壁紙、信函範本及桌上名牌?
CO Tips (8): How to write a press release and select photos? 傳訊部貼士(8):如何撰寫新聞稿及挑選相片?
CO Tips (9): How to let the public know about your news and events? 傳訊部貼士 (9):如何讓公眾知道你的新聞和活動?
CO Tips (10): How to invite VIP guests to events and prepare standing/seating plans for your guests? 傳訊部貼士(10):如何邀請嘉賓出席活動和安排座位及站位次序?
CO Tips (11): Participate in ‘Film UM and Win a Prize’ to share your UM life 傳訊部貼士(11):參加一拍即獎分享你的澳大生活

Follow UM social media channels 關注澳大社交媒體