Choi Kai Yau College and Guohao College jointly completed the “Smart Cities, Smart Transportation” Summer Exchange Program


2024年7月9日至16日,澳門大學蔡繼有書院副院長齊亞寧攜帶6名分別來自澳大蔡繼有書院、呂志和書院以及鄭裕彤書院的院生參加了同濟大學國豪書院與澳門大學蔡繼有書院合辦的 “智慧城市,智慧交通”暑期互訪交流活動。這次交流項目是自今年4月兩書院簽署《教育合作備忘錄》以來的首次學生交流,旨在爲參與師生搭建跨學科、跨地區的交流平台,同時也是秉持書院教育與科技創新融合育人理念的生動實踐。該項目主要聚焦於探索上海與澳門兩地城市交通的智慧化和綠色化轉型,爲構建更加智慧、持續的城市交通體系貢獻力量。





From July 9th to 16th, 2024, Associate Master Qi Yaning from University of Macau (UM)’s Choi Kai Yau College (CKYC), led six UM students, respectively from Choi Kai Yau College, Lui Che Woo College, and Cheng Yu Tung College, to participate in the “Smart Cities, Smart Transportation” summer exchange program co-organized by Guohao College of Tongji University and Choi Kai Yau College of the University of Macau. This visit marks the first exchange activity since both Colleges signed an MOU in April this year. The exchange program aims to create a cross-disciplinary, cross-regional exchange platform for the all-round education of the students of the two Colleges and primarily focuses on exploring the smart and green transformation of urban transportation in Shanghai and Macau, which may contribute to the development of smarter and more sustainable urban transportation systems.

On the first morning in Shanghai, the guide led all participants to visit Tongji University’s History Museum. As one of China’s oldest higher education institutions, Tongji University has nurtured many outstanding alumni who have significantly contributed to the country’s modernization over the past century. In the afternoon, students participated in ice-breaking games to strengthen their friendship. At the opening ceremony in Guohao College’s conference hall, representatives from both Colleges delivered speeches and exchanged souvenirs. Subsequently, all participants attended a seminar about smart transportation in Shanghai by Professor Liu Chenglong from Tongji University’s School of Transportation Engineering. The next day, participants visited the Transportation laboratory at Tongji University’s Jiading campus, experiencing various transportation simulation systems firsthand, including advanced automatic driving simulators, smart traffic management systems, and vehicle-road coordination technologies, enhancing their understanding of smart transportation. On the third day, participants visited the Shanghai Museum and Shanghai Urban Planning Exhibition Center, gaining in-depth knowledge of Shanghai’s history and the city’s planning process and future development blueprint, providing valuable references and insights for future research topics.

After concluding activities in Shanghai, staff and students from both colleges travelled to Macau for the next phase of the program. On the first day in Macau, students from both colleges were divided into four groups to visit Macau by public buses, light rail, taxis, and the hotel-courtesy shuttle buses, experiencing firsthand the differences in urban transportation between Shanghai and Macau. The next day, participants visited the University of Macau’s State Key Laboratory of Internet of Things for Smart City (IOTSC) and attended a seminar on smart transportation by Master Janny Leung from Choi Kai Yau College. In the afternoon, they also visited the UM campus and Lui Che Woo College.

On the final day of the program, students from both Colleges presented their group research reports. After conducting in-depth research on the status and differences in urban transportation between Shanghai and Macau, each group proposed solutions for specific issues in smart transportation in both cities. Professor Janny Leung, Master of CKYC and Professor Li Zhenning from IOTSC served as judges for the presentations. Two judges evaluated the four groups’ presentations based on progress and achievements, significance and contributions, project innovations, and presentation skills. The judges highly praised the students and awarded certificates of participation to all students.

Reflecting on their time together, students from both Colleges valued the experience of learning together and the investigation of the sustainable development of urban transportation resources in Shanghai and Macau. As they explored the unique historical and cultural heritage of both places, they also forged deep friendships.

Text: Li Shaocheng

上海站 — 兩地院生參觀同濟大學校史館

Shanghai Stop – students visited Tongji University’s History Museum

開幕式 — 兩地書院師生在國豪書院前合影

Opening Ceremony – photo of students and teachers at Guohao College


Seminar about smart transportation in Shanghai delivered by Professor Liu Chenglong from Tongji University


Participants visited the Transportation laboratory at Tongji University


Students experienced various transportation simulation systems

Students visited Shanghai Urban Planning Exhibition Center



Students explored the Historic Centre of Macau

Students visited State Key Laboratory of Internet of Things for Smart City (University of Macau)



CKYC Master Janny Leung delivered a talk on smart transportation


Students visited UM Residential College


Group presentation about the challenges faced by Macau’s taxi industry

結營儀式 — 兩位評委為兩地院生頒發參與證書

Closing ceremony – two judges presented certificates to the participants