2024/2025 Campus Training Programme Recruitment (Application Deadline: 25 Aug 2024)
2024/2025 校園培訓計劃招募(截止報名日期:2024年8月25日)
辦公室行政組 – 參與日常辦公室營運的工作,包括行政、平面設計、前線服務,以及籌備各類學生活動。
司儀組 – 學習成為具專業知識與經驗並重的活動司儀。
活動親善大使 – 主要學習在正式場合接待嘉賓的禮儀和溝通技巧。
社交媒體專員 – 學習營運流行的社交媒體,包括內容編採、文案撰寫、與相關單位溝通及製作。
- 豐富學生校園生活
- 為將來投身社會工作的同學作好準備
- 讓同學在課餘期間獲得工作經驗
- 加強學生對澳門大學的歸屬感
- 提升自信心、自我成長及學習如何待人接物
- 在校內獲得培訓及實習經驗
- 優先參加由學生事務部組織的培訓工作坊
- 參與夏季交換生計劃
- 累積畢業後求職時的競爭力
- 培訓津貼
- 在讀學生(大一優先)
- 良好的中英文書寫能力
- 能操流利廣東話、英語及普通話
- 電腦知識
- 有設計/拍攝/錄影/剪輯知識更佳(適用於辦公室行室組及社交媒體專員)
1. 填妥電子報名表格->
2. 填寫表格後。合適的同學會另行通知面試時間,敬請留意你的校園電子郵箱及聯絡電話。
如有查詢,歡迎與我們聯絡。(電話: 8822 9918 / 8822 9915 或電郵: WayLam@um.edu.mo)
Dear Students,
The “Campus Training Programme” is open for application now!
The Campus Training Programme (CTP) provides opportunities for students to apply knowledge to practical work. Students can utilize their spare time to gain real working experience through the on-the-job training provided by the Student Affairs Office, as well as participation in university activities. It aims to enhance students’ competitiveness and build their sense of belongings in the University and society.
There are four streams of trainees in the Programme:
Office administrative trainees – they are trained to assist in administrative work, frontline services, organizing activities, designing promotion materials, etc.
Masters of ceremony – they are trained to equip with the knowledge and responsibilities of being a professional emcee.
Activity ambassadors – they are trained to receive guests and assist in ceremonies with professional etiquette and communication skills.
Social media planners – they are trained to run mainstream social media, including content planning, communication with relevant parties, and production skills.
“Campus Training Programme” aims to
- Enrich students’ university life
- Equip students before entering the job market
- Provide practical work experiences for students
Benefits for the Trainees of “Campus Traning Programme”:
- Opportunity to build self esteem, maturity, and interpersonal skills
- Opportunity to have training and working experience in different units of UM
- Training workshops offered by Student Affairs Office
- Competitiveness enhanced in the job market upon graduation
- Training stipend
Who can apply?
- Current active students (priority to year 1 students)
- Good at Chinese and English writing skills
- Fluent in Cantonese, English and Mandarin
- Strong computer skill
- Knowledge in promotional material design/photo shooting / video shooting and editing skills is an advantage (For office administrative trainees and social media planners)
Application Method:
Please fill in the application form through the following steps on or before 25 August 2024. Then you will have the chance to join our family!
1. Complete the application form ->
Office administrative trainees
Masters of ceremony
Activity Ambassadors
Social media planners
2. Qualified students will be selected for interview soon.
Qualified students will receive notification by UM e-mails or telephone calls.
For details, please visit the Student Affairs Office website:
For enquiry, please contact us by tel: 8822 9918 / 8822 9915 or e-mail: WayLam@um.edu.mo
Student Affairs Office
辦公室行政組 – 參與日常辦公室營運的工作,包括行政、平面設計、前線服務,以及籌備各類學生活動。
Office administrative trainees – they are trained to assist in administrative work, frontline services, organizing activities, designing promotion materials, etc.
報名連結 Application
- 前台接待 Reception
司儀組 – 學習成為具專業知識與經驗並重的活動司儀。
Masters of ceremony – they are trained to equip with the knowledge and responsibilities of being a professional emcee.
報名連結 Application
照片分享 Photos sharing
活動親善大使 – 主要學習在正式場合接待嘉賓的禮儀和溝通技巧
Activity ambassadors – they are trained to receive guests and assist in ceremonies with professional etiquette and communication skills.
報名連結 Application
照片分享 Photos sharing
提供培訓 Provide training
社交媒體專員 – 學習營運流行的社交媒體,包括內容編採、文案撰寫、與相關單位溝通及製作。
Social media planners – they are trained to run mainstream social media, including content planning, communication with relevant parties, and production skills.
報名連結 Application
內容製作 Content creating
營運社交媒體 Operate social media
主題規劃,文案創作 Content planning, copywriting
設計,排版,拍攝及剪輯 Design, typography, shooting, editing
提供培訓 Provide Training