Reminder: Now Recruiting | 2024/2025 Student Leadership Training Programme (Application Deadline: Aug 23, 2024)

溫馨提示: 現正招募 | 2024/2025 學生領袖培訓計劃 (截止報名日期:2024年8月23日)

The programme aims to nurture and develop students’ leadership qualities through different activities and training, enhance their self-confidence, communication and independent thinking skills. Furthermore, this programme will provide opportunities and platform for students to acquire and apply knowledge and skills in interpersonal relationship, teamwork, crisis management, and power speaking, etc. The entire programme lasts for two years, mainly for Year 1 and Year 2 students.

– To recruit potential students from different majors and residential colleges
– To offer them a series of workshops, theme-based projects, exchange tour, etc. that equip them the essential soft and hard skills as the future leaders contributing to the community with their creativity and enthusiasm

– Year 1 and year 2 students
– Good command of language
– Good behavior and conduct
– Good interpersonal relationship
– CGPA 2.3 or above is an advantage
– Experience in participating students associations / training programme is an advantage

Duties of members
– Respect and follow the training arrangements
– Achieve at least 150 points of the 2-year training plan
– Receive and exchange with the delegates of incoming exchange activities
– Assist or participate in activities of SAO regarding “Service & Leadership”, such as academic seminars, ceremonies, student activities, etc.
– (Senior members) Assist in the implementation of the training plan

Benefits as members
– A certificate with appreciation signed by Dean of Students by completing the 2-year programme and achieving at least 150 points of the training plan
– 400 CS of “Service & Leadership” per academic year by achieving at least 100 points of the training plan
– Priority to join certain activities of SAO
– Members with outstanding performance:
     * Sponsorship and nomination to Summer Programme
     * Nomination to exchange/study trips of SAO
     * To be awarded the “Outstanding Award” in the annual UM Student Award Ceremony

Application Period
– from now till 23 Aug 2024
※Qualified students will be assessed based on their academic and extracurricular experiences, and by interview (if needed)

Tel: (853) 8822 4904 /8822 9907


– 招募來自不同專業和住宿式書院的優秀學生
– 提供學生掌握和應用人際關係、團隊協作、危機處理、演說等各方面知識和技能的機會和平台
– 提供一系列的嘉賓講座、工作坊、學生交流團等,使學生具備未來領袖所需的技能,以創造力和熱情為校園和社區做出貢獻。

– 大一與大二學生
– 良好語言能力
– 良好操行與品德
– 良好的人際關係
– CGPA 2.3或以上優先
– 有參與學生社團/校內服務計劃經驗者優先

– 須於兩年內完成最少150分的培訓活動
– 接待到訪的交流團
– 協助或參與學生事務部有關 “服務與領導 “的活動,如學術研討會、儀式、學生活動等
– (資深成員)協助實施培訓計劃

– 完成為期兩年的計劃內容及累計完成150分的培訓活動,將獲得由學生事務長簽發之嘉許證書
– 每一學年完成最少100分的培訓活動,可獲授予400 “領導與服務” CS分
– 優先參加學事務部舉辦的某些活動
     * 贊助和提名參加暑期交流項目
     * 被提名參加由學生事務部舉辦的交流/學習之旅
     * 表現出色的成員將於一年一度之UM學生頒獎典禮上獲得“傑出學生領袖獎”


電話: (853) 8822 4904 / 8822 9907

報名 Application