Friendly Reminder: Note for 2024 Student Personalized “Macau Pass” New Application, Card Extension and Collection

提提你: 2024年度學生個人「澳門通」卡新申請、續期及取卡事宜



註1: 如同學尚未持有學生個人澳門通卡,選擇「新申請」;如閣下需辦理續期、換卡業務,選擇「已持有學生個人澳門通卡」。如有需要,可在MPay上查詢業務辦理進度。
註2: 由於申請數量較多,請同學們耐心等候審批的結果。審批通過後,申請人會收到SMS提示。請細閱SMS內容,請在該取卡日期或之後到指定地點取卡。不要在收到訊息後,便立即趕往澳門通客戶服務中心取卡。
註3: 學生於線上申請續期,審批通過後,只需在巴士拍卡即可完成續期,無需再前往地推現場或澳門通客戶服中心辦理。
註4: 申請人必須年滿18歲。未滿18歲者須由家長/監護人代辦
註5 : 首次申請學生個人澳門通卡,費用由澳門特區政府資助
申請日期 取卡日期 取卡地點
8月12日至8月25日 8月29日(10:00 – 13:30;14:00 – 17:00)  E31-1002
註: 取卡時須由學生本人帶同學生證及身份證明文件到場領取如沒有在指定日期取卡者,澳門通將於1個工作天後SMS 通知同學如何取卡。
如有任何疑問,請與學生事務部胡小姐聯絡(電話: 8822 4842; 電郵或澳門通客服熱線 2872 7688。

Dear students,

The new application and extension of Student Personalized Macau Pass can be done via MPay APP. Students who apply the card for the first time can choose to pick up their cards at UM on the designated dates.

Note 1: If you do not have a Student Personalized Macau Pass card, choose “New Application”. If you need to extend your card or get it changed, please choose “Holding a Student Personalized Macau Pass card”. You can also check the status at the APP.

Note 2: As there are many applications, please wait for the approval result. Applicants will receive SMS notification upon approval. Please read the SMS carefully and pick up the card at the designated date and venue. Don’t rush to the Macau Pass Customer Service Center right after you receive the SMS.

Note 3: Once the card extension application is approved, students will only need to swipe their card on the bus to finish the card extension procedure. These students do not need to visit the UM service counter nor the Macau Pass.

Note 4: Applicants must be at the age of 18. Students under the age of 18 can only apply the card via their parents or guardians.

Note 5 : The Macau Government sponsors the first application. Applicants do not need to pay.

Staff from Macau Pass will come over to UM to distribute cards to students. If students would like to pick up their cards at UM, please select “澳大E31座1002室” when choosing the pick-up location. Details as follows:

Application Period Card Pick-up Date and Time Venue
12-25 Aug 28 August (10:00 – 13:30;14:00 – 17:00) E31-1002

Note: Students must bring along their student ID and ID and get the cards on campus in person. If students fail to pick up the card on the designated date, they can only pick up the cards on the next scheduled date on campus.

For enquiries, please contact Ms. Candy Wu of the Student Affairs Office (SAO) (Tel: 8822 4842; email: or Macau Pass Customer Service Hotline 2872 7688.