Academic Year 2024/2025 – Details of Student Medical Insurance Scheme
2024/2025學年 - 學生醫療保險計劃詳情
- 新生:自註冊當日起至2025年07月31日
- 在讀學生:2024年08月01日至2025年07月31日
醫療服務機構 |
電話號碼 |
原有機構 |
1. |
鏡湖醫院 |
(澳門) 2892 2822; (氹仔) 8295 4001 |
2. |
仁伯爵綜合醫院 |
(澳門) 2831 3731 |
3. |
便民醫療中心 |
(澳門) 2852 4468; (氹仔) 2882 0127 |
4. |
協同醫務所/協康醫務所 |
(澳門) 2858 9000; (氹仔) 2883 6992 |
5. |
澳門陳氏醫療中心 |
(澳門) 2853 0556 |
6. |
澳門X光室有限公司 |
(澳門) 2837 2283;2852 6190 |
7. |
澳門大學醫療中心 |
(澳門) 8822 4123 |
新增機構 |
8. |
中山大學附屬第五醫院 |
(珠海) 0756-252 8888 |
9. |
廣東省中醫院珠海醫院 |
(珠海) 0756-332 5114 |
10. |
珠海市人民醫院 |
(珠海) 0756-222 2569 |
11. |
珠海市婦幼保健院 |
(珠海) 0756-231 0190 |
12. |
珠海市中西結合醫院 |
(珠海) 0756-813 6023; (珠海) 0756-813 6555 |
13. |
珠海市人民醫院橫琴醫院 |
(橫琴) 0756-331 3273 |
14. |
廣州醫科大學附屬第一醫院橫琴醫院 |
(橫琴) 0756-331 3572 |
利益保障 |
最高賠償限額 |
賠償備註 |
澳門元 (MOP) |
一、住院醫療保險計劃 |
1. 住院及膳食費用 |
每日(每宗病症最高賠償日數:30) |
200 |
2. 住院服務費 |
每宗病症 |
4,000 |
3. 麻醉師費用 |
每宗病症最高賠償百分率為手術費的之30% 以保險公司的手術等級為準 |
複雜:3,000 大型:1,500 中型: 750 小型: 375 |
4. 手術室費用 |
5. 外科手術費用 |
每宗病症 以保險公司的手術等級為準 |
複雜: 10,000 大型: 5,000 中型: 2,500 小型: 1,250 |
6. 住院醫生巡房費用 |
每日(每宗病症最高賠償日數:30) |
100 |
7. 住院專科醫生費用* |
每宗病症 |
1,000 |
※註:*必須提供主診醫生推薦信 |
二、門診費用 澳門元 |
1. 西醫門診費用 |
限額: ( [1.] + [2.] + [3.] + [4.] 的最高賠償次數為每學年5次) ※註:每日最多1次 |
200 |
2. 中醫費用 |
3. 物理治療治療* |
4. 專科門診費用* (婦科、骨科/創傷科、 耳鼻喉科、 眼科及皮膚科之專科轉介信可被豁免) |
5. 指定處方藥物費 (須於診所以外之註冊藥房購買)* |
每學年度限額 |
500 |
6. 門診X光及化驗費用* |
每學年度限額 |
1,000 |
※註:必須提供主診醫生轉介信。醫生轉介信或藥物處方需連同索償表格一併交回。 |
- 先天性異常(指出生時已存在之醫學性畸型)。
- 因戰爭、罷工、騷亂、革命或任何軍事活動所引致之疾病或損傷。
- 因參加非法活動而引起之損傷。
- 不論在神智清醒或精神錯亂下自殺、企圖自殺或自招之損傷。
- 不必要的醫療服務、僱員賠償條例或其他法例上可賠償之治療費用。
- 任何美容整型手術、矯視眼鏡/眼鏡、矯視手術、助聽器的檢查、購買或使用特殊支架、各項配置或裝置。
- 牙科護理及治療,因意外引起致牙齒損傷除外。
- 濫用藥或酒精中毒。
- 有關避孕、不育、懷孕或由懷孕而引致之治療或測試。
- 由精神病、心理、情緒、精神或行為的條件或障礙而引致之治療或測試。
- 實驗性質及非標準的醫學治療。
- 非因病理所需或意外所致之例行健康檢查、預防治療及藥物、防疫注射、純屬休養之治療及聘請特別護士之費用。
- 性病、後天缺乏免疫力症及其他後遺症。
- 直接或間接由參與各項危險活動或運動所致之受傷,如:滑翔、乘坐雪橇、越野障礙賽、搏擊、潛水、登山運動、攀石等。
- 由核武、核原料、電離輻射、核燃料或核廢料或燃燒核燃料的放射性污染所引致的疾病。
- 其他按保單條款內規定。
- 所有索償表格均可在學生資源處(學生活動中心E31,2007室)索取或於學生資源處網站下載。
- 一切賠償款項將根據有關主保單上的條文計算。
- 索償表格未完全填妥或未有提供足夠理賠資料,賠償處理可能會被延誤。
- 整個索償程式需時約4-6個星期,有關費用將以劃線支票支付。同學須擁有澳門任何一間銀行的澳門元帳戶。
- 填妥「醫療保險-住院及手術」索償表格,索償人及主診醫生需在適當位置填寫及簽署。
- 在出院後七十天內,索償人必須將此索償表格連同有關收據正本(須有醫院或門診醫生簽名及蓋章)提交予學生資源處處理,逾期無效。
- 向主診醫生索取列明以下資料的正式收據及疾病證明,並填妥索償表格。
- 專科門診/ 物理治療/ 脊椎治療 /處方藥物/ 門診X光及化驗服務,須附上主診醫生所簽發之轉介信。如屬同一病症,轉介信有效期為六個月。 如該病症需要覆診,請於每次賠償申請時,附上該轉介信的副本。
- 同學須在診治後七十天內把索償表格連同有關之正式收據及疾病證明正本交回學生資源處(學生活動中心E31,2007室),逾期無效。影印本皆不接納。
- 診症日期
- 診治病因及病症
- 診治方法
- 診治病人姓名
- 醫院或門診醫生簽名及蓋章
電話: 8822 9902 / 8822 9912
Dear Students,
To align with the development of the University and provide better medical coverage, the University continues to provide a comprehensive medical insurance plan for all registered students that covers both in-patient and out-patient services. The insurance premium is MOP120 for the current academic year, while the related debit note will be issued on mid of September. Please review the following important details to ensure you are fully aware of the insurance coverage and claim procedures.
- New Students: From the date of registration until July 31, 2025
- Current Students: From August 01, 2024, to July 31, 2025
To further enhance service quality, the number of designated medical service providers has been increased from 07 to 14 and also extend to the below hospital in Zhuhai as well as Hengqin, offering more comprehensive medical coverage.
Medical Service Providers |
Telephone Number |
Existing Providers |
1. |
Hospital Kiang Wu |
(Macao) 2892 2822; (Taipa) 8295 4001 |
2. |
Hospital Conde de São Januário (CHCSJ) |
(Macao) 2831 3731 |
3. |
Centro Medico – Diagnostico Popular |
(Macao) 2857 7790; (Taipa) 2852 4468 |
4. |
Grupo Medico Hope |
(Macao) 2858 9000; (Taipa) 2883 6992 |
5. |
Policlinica Chan’s de Macau |
(Macao) 2853 0556 |
6. |
Centro de Radiologia de Macau Lda. |
(Macao) 2837 2283, 28526190 |
7. |
Medical Center of University of Macau |
(Macao) 8822 4123 |
New Providers |
8. |
The Fifth Affiliated Hospital of Sun Yat-sen University |
(Zhuhai) 0756-252 8888 |
9. |
Guangdong Provincial Hospital of Chinese Medicine, Zhuhai |
(Zhuhai) 0756-332 5114 |
10. |
Zhuhai People’s Hospital |
(Zhuhai) 0756-222 2569 |
11. |
Zhuhai Center for Maternal and Child Health Care |
(Zhuhai) 0756-231 0190 |
12. |
Zhuhai Hospital of Integrated Traditional Chinese and Western Medicine |
(Zhuhai) 0756-813 6023; (Zhuhai) 0756-813 6555 |
13. |
Hengqin Branch of Zhuhai People’s Hospital |
(Hengqin) 0756-331 3273 |
14. |
First Affiliated Hospital of Guangzhou Medical University Hengqin Hospital |
(Hengqin) 0756-331 3572 |
Benefit |
Maximum Limit of Reimbursement |
Remarks |
(MOP) |
A. Hospitalization Benefit |
1. Daily Room & Board |
Limit per day (Max. day per disability: 30) |
200 |
2. Hospital Special Services |
Limit per disability |
4,000 |
3. Anesthetists’ Fees |
Limit per disability (up to 30% of the reimbursable surgical fees) |
Complex – 3,000 Major – 1,500 Intermediate – 750 Minor – 375
4. Operation Theatre Fees |
5. Surgical Fees |
Limit per disability According to the Surgical Schedule of Asia Insurance Co., Ltd., |
Complex – 10,000 Major – 5,000 Intermediate – 2,500 Minor – 1,250 |
6. In-hospital Physician’s Visit |
Limit per day (Max. day per disability: 30) |
100 |
7. In-hospital Specialist Consultation (*) |
Limit Per disability |
1,000 |
B. Out-patient Expenses |
(MOP) |
1. Out-Patient Physician’s Visit |
Per visit ( [1.] + [2.] + [3.] + [4.]: Max. 5 visits per academic year) ※Note: Max. 1 visit per day |
200 |
2. Chinese Medicine / Bonesetter |
3. Physiotherapist’s / Chiropractor’s Visit (*) |
4. Specialist’s Consultation (*) |
5. Prescription Medicine (Outside Clinic) (*) |
Max. limit per academic year |
500 |
6. X-ray and Laboratory Test (*) |
Max. limit per academic year |
1,000 |
※Note: (*)Written referral from the attending physician is required. The relative referral letter and prescription for medicines should be submitted with claim document. For Specialist’s consultation, referral letter for Gynaecology, Orthopaedics & Traumatology, Otorhinolaryngology(ENT), Ophthalmology, and Dermatology is waived.
- Congenital abnormalities or defects existing at the time of birth or wherever to be diagnosed.
- Directly or indirectly as a result of disease or natural causes or from war (whether declared or not), strikes, riots, civil war, revolution or any warlike operations or join the military.
- Disabilities arising from the Insured Person’s offences or participation in any illegal acts (except traffic offences and pedestrian offences).
- Investigation and treatment of psychosis, psychological, emotional, mental or behavioral conditions or disorders; treatment of chronic alcoholism or drug abuse or any other complications arising therefrom; rest cures or convalescence; Suicide, attempted suicide or intentionally self-inflicted injury whether sane or insane.
- Eye refraction, fitting of glasses or surgical procedure for correction of eye refraction (except necessitated by accidental injuries or as a result of disease), examination for fitting of hearing aids, procurement or use of special braces, prosthetic appliances or equipment such as artificial limbs and cosmetic surgery or treatment for beautification purposes.
- Dental care and treatment including amalgam or composite fillings, orthodontics, (except necessitated by accidental injuries to sound natural teeth).
- Pregnancy, resulting childbirth, abortion, miscarriage or conditions resulting therefrom, genetic testing or counseling, artificial fertilization treatment or treatment related to birth control or infertility.
- Cost or expense of whatsoever nature arising out of daily room and board, accompany fee, SRN nursing care, meal fee, extra bed fee which are not medically necessary.
- Special nursing care, routine physical examinations, health checks or tests not incidental to treatment or diagnosis of a disability or any elective treatments or services which are not medically necessary for any preventive treatments, medicines or examinations (incl. CT, MRI, X-ray, Lab. Test etc.), vaccinations, immunizations, or vaccinations.
- Conditions related to sexually transmitted diseases, Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS) or AIDS Related Complex (ARC).
- Disabilities arising from racing of any kind (except on foot racing), skydiving, mountain or rock climbing, professional sports, aviation or aeronautics (other than travelling as a fare-paying passenger in commercial airplanes).
- Treatment not by a registered doctor or legal operation hospital.
- Care or treatment for which payment is not required or is waived or is recoverable from a third party or under any other insurance including (without limitation) Employees’ Compensation Insurance.
- Experimental medical treatment which, at the time it is provided, is not considered safe, effective and appropriate for the injury or sickness, and is not accepted as standard treatment for the injury or sickness.
- Disabilities arising from nuclear weapons material, ionising radiation or contamination by radioactivity from any nuclear fuel or from any nuclear waste or from the combustion of nuclear fuel. For the purpose of this Exclusion, combustion shall include any self-sustaining process of nuclear fission.
- Other as per Policy.
- The necessary medical claim forms required for filling the claims are readily available at the website of/and Student Resources Section (Student Activity Centre E31, Room 2007).
- Claim payment will be subjected to the terms and conditions set out in the corresponding master Policy.
- Incomplete form or omission of required information may cause delay in processing.
- The reimbursement of the claim takes around 4-6 weeks and it will be settled by account payee cheque. Students should have a bank account in any of the banks in Macao with the currency of “MOP”.
6. Hospitalization & Surgical Claim:
- A “Medical Insurance – Hospitalization & Surgical” claim form should be completed and signed by both claimant and attending doctor.
- The form and original official hospital invoice/ statement (with hospital or registered medical practitioner’s signature and chop) must be submitted to Student Resources Section within 70 days from the date of discharge from hospital. Otherwise, the claim shall be declined for reimbursement.
7. Out-patient Claim:
- Request for the original official receipt and medical report after each consultation. It must include the following information and complete the claim form,
- For Laboratory & X-Ray Tests/ Physiotherapist’s visit/ Chiropractor’s visit/ Specialist Consultation/ Prescription Medicine, a referral letter from attending Physician is required. The referral letter is valid for 6 months for same diagnosis. Should there be more than one claim for the same diagnosis; copy of the same referral letter should be attached together with each claim.
- Claim form, original official receipts, and medical report must be submitted to Student Resources Section within 70 days from the date of consultation. Otherwise, the claim shall be declined for reimbursement. No copy shall be entertained
Medical Report should include:
- Date of consultation
- Diagnosis
- Treatment
- Patient’s name
- Hospital or registered medical practitioner’s signature and chop
For any enquiries, please contact Mr. HO or Ms. NGAI
Phone: 8822 9902 / 8822 9912
Student Resources Section
Student Affairs Office