Briefing of RSKTO Services to New Academic Staff


Dear Colleagues,

In the 2024/2025 academic year, a batch of top scholars from around the world has newly joined UM. With the objective of assisting our new faculty members in adapting to the research environment of the University, RSKTO is going to hold two orientation sessions in which a general research landscape of the University and some common practices and norms will be introduced.  At the same time, the sessions are also open for current academic and administrative staff members who would like to learn more about our services.

Details of Orientation Sessions:

Date Time Venue Language
4 September (Wednesday) 3pm E1 auditorium Chinese
5 September (Thursday) 11am E1 auditorium English



Introduction of RSKTO services, common practices and norms 30-35 mins
Introduction of Research Service Management System (RSMS) 15-20 mins
Introduction of Research Ethics Review System 10-15 mins


Please register your preferred session with us through the link here before 30 August (Friday).

Should you have any queries, please contact Mr. Sam Song at ext.4310 or Ms. Christy Kuan on ext.8380.


Looking forward to seeing you!


Best regards,

Research Services and Knowledge Transfer Office (RSKTO)