Honours College Promotion Month (Sep 2-28)

榮譽學院推廣月 (9月2-28日)

Dear UM students,

Greetings from Honours College!

Honours College (HC) aims to bring together high achieving undergraduates from all disciplines and create opportunities for them to achieve academic excellence, build international perspective, and establish leadership and social responsibility.

We are pleased to announce our Promotion Month, co-organized with the Honours College Student Association (HCSA), will start on September 2 through 28, 2024. During the Promotion Month, a series of activities including exhibitions, workshops, booths and games designed to provide students with insights into the HC application process and details will be launched. It’s a fantastic opportunity to learn more about the HC, engage in interactive activities, and connect with fellow students who share your passion for excellence.

Please see the poster below. The activity sign-up links will be released separately in UM Student e-bulletin in due course. Stay tuned with us!



Be Empathetic, Leading, Intercultural, Trustworthy, Ethical,
Be part of the Honours College


With warmest regards,
Honours College

Phone: +853 8822 4974
Fax: +853 8822 2332
Email: HC.enquiry@um.edu.mo