MBCS, UMSU – UM Campus Contest of CFA Institute Research Challenge HK was launched! (Registration deadline: 2024.8.30 23:59)

澳門大學學生會商賽學會:CFA研究挑戰賽·MBCS澳大校內賽火暖開機!(截止報名時間:2024.8.30 23:59)


The content is provided by the MBCS, UMSU, reported by SAO.

CFA證書是投資領域最受推崇的專業資格認證之一。 CFA Institute每年舉辦的全球性的CFA Institute Research Challenge比賽,在商科領域具有超高含金量。此項賽事是澳大的強項,澳大代表隊在往年的比賽中曾打敗香港一眾名校並作為香港地區代表隊最終取得東亞賽區冠軍。

今年,澳門大學學生會商賽學會UMSU MBCS將首次主辦該賽事的澳門大學校內選拔賽,兩支勝出的隊伍將代表澳大參加香港賽區決賽,並有機會代表香港參與東亞甚至在紐約華爾街舉行的全球比賽。


為配合此次賽事,澳門大學學生會MBCS商賽學會會將圍繞CFA研究挑載賽與Equity Research能力開展一系列的校內、章程講解、技能培訓與經驗分享活動。


截止報名時間:2024.8.30 23:59


The CFA certificate is one of the most prestigious professional qualifications in the investment field. The global CFA Institute Research Challenge, held annually by the CFA Institute, is highly regarded in the business field. This competition is a strong suit of the University of Macau (UM), with the UM team having defeated many prestigious colleges in Hong Kong in past competitions and ultimately winning the East Asia regional championship as the representative team of the Hong Kong region.

This year, the University of Macau Student Union Model Business Competition Society (UMMBCS) will host the university’s internal selection competition for the first time. The two winning teams will represent UM in the Hong Kong regional finals and have the opportunity to represent Hong Kong in the East Asia regional competition and even the global competition held on Wall Street in New York.

To support this competition, the MBCS will organize a series of on-campus activities, including charter explanations, skill training, and experience sharing sessions centered around the CFA Research Challenge and Equity Research capabilities.

We welcome students from all majors and grades to actively participate in this competition! We believe that by participating, you will improve in areas such as analysis and research, report writing, public speaking, and teamwork.

Let’s progress together in the competition, achieve great results, and bring glory to our university!

Registration link: https://forms.gle/HA54LmHdM4wAeyLf7

Registration deadline: 2024.8.30 23:59

Feel free to ask if you need any more help! Email: umsu.mbcs@um.edu.mo