MCM College: Freshers’ Orientation 2024/25


Freshers’ Orientation began on 12th August 2024, welcoming a highly motivated and enthusiastic new cohort of freshers, student leaders and staff of MCM College, University of Macau. With a new environment, new relationships in the making and a completely new experience of residential college and university life, freshers have finally nestled in their second home away from home.

Following Oxbridge traditions, the freshers received warm welcome from College Master Prof. Kwok-cheung CHEUNG. They engaged in various orientation activities held by student leaders, academic staff and social worker to become familiar with college, faculty, library and university resources.

They are now ready to embark on a new academic year at UM!

My first week at MCM College was full of love and care: the ice-breaking activities carefully prepared by the upperclassmen helped me quickly integrate into the new environment, the warm greetings from the resident fellows touched my heart, the team spirit demonstrated during the Taipa Orienteering allowed us to complete the task quickly together. This fulfilling freshers’ orientation allowed me to quickly settle into this warm family of MCM College. – Kristina Li

 “In this busy and fulfilling week, the nervousness of entering college for the first time was quickly diluted by the various orientation activities. From entering the college to ice-breaking activities, from Taipa orientation to the Freshmen Show, the friendly smiles of the upperclassmen and fellows always accompany us and guide us. The freshers’ orientation not only allowed us to make many friends, but also provided a taste of our university life. In such a warm family, I believe our wings will gradually spread and we will write our own chapter in the near future!” – Dylan Zheng

 “As a new student, participating in the Freshmen Show is undoubtedly an experience that is both stressful and joyful. At the beginning, I was very worried that I would not be able to achieve the desired results. However, under the leadership of my RT and RAs, I gradually became familiar with the people around me and finally completed a good performance. Through their encouragement, I gained more confidence. I hope that MCM College will become better in the future with the teamwork and collaboration of all students.” – Renova Yan

Checking into MCM college

Photo shoot at MCMC’s signature wall

Ice-breaking activities

Teamwork and collaboration during “Taipa” Orienteering

First RC meeting of freshmen and college academic team

University life sharing session with upperclassmen

UM Library Orientation

Freshmen Show performance

Fun and bonding at the Beach BBQ activity




我在滿珍紀念書院的第一週充滿愛和關懷:新生破冰行動中的學長學姐為我們精心準備的活動讓我迅速融入到新環境 、第一天見面書院導師溫暖的問候讓我感動、氹仔定向活動中的小組團隊協作精神讓我們很快完成了任務。充實的迎新週讓我迅速地融入了滿珍紀念書院這個溫暖的大家庭。 – 黎婧賢

在這忙碌而又充實的一裡,初入大學的緊張感很快就被豐富多彩的迎新活動沖淡的無影無蹤。從進入學校到破冰活動,從氹仔定向到新生秀,學長學姐和老師親切的微笑始終陪伴著我們,引導著我們。迎新不僅讓我們交到了很多朋友,也還我們體驗了大學生活。在如此溫暖的大家庭裡,相信我們的翅膀也會漸漸展開,在不久的將來譜寫屬於我們自己的篇章! – 鄭清華

作為一名新生,參加新生表演晚會無疑是一段既緊張又充滿喜悅的經歷。一開始,我很擔心自己達不到應有的效果在各位學長學姐的帶領下,慢慢地熟絡了身邊人,最後完成了一次不錯的表演。透過學長學姐的勵,我變得更有自信。 希望在接下來的日子裡,書院在各位同學的團結協作下,能夠變得更好 –  閻納新








