Academic Year 2024/2025 – Arrangement for Postgraduate Freshmen to Apply for Stay Permit (13-25 Sept)

2024/2025學年 - 研究及博士新生辦理【逗留特別許可】的安排 (09月13日-25日)


據澳門相關法例規定,來澳修讀高等院校課程之非本地學生必須辦理「逗留特別許可」(俗稱“學生簽證”),該許可是逗留澳門地區的有效證件。故所有非本地學生必需辦理,否則將觸犯法律而引致逾期居留,後果相當嚴重 (最嚴重者將被驅逐出境並禁止兩年內不能到訪澳門)。有關資訊可瀏覽治安警察局網頁:

另外;由2024年0815日起,所有非本地學生須通過澳門治安警察局新推出的「外地學生之「逗留特別許可」網上綜合系統」代替過往的紙質申請表作辦理。學生可登入澳門治安警察局網頁 或掃描下方二維碼提交網上申請。為照顧非本地學生(包括本科生及研究生)辦理「逗留特別許可」,現統一由學生資源處組織集體辦理。同學須根據以下的時間表於指定地點集合前往出入境事務大樓,辦證時間預計約2小時。


A. 日期:2024年09月13-14日、16-17日、19-21日及23-25日(共10天)

B. 集合地點:研究生宿舍(S3)巴士站

C. 時間表:研究生新生簽證時間表

D. 所需資料:

  1. 申請二維碼截圖。
  2. 證件正本:a.中國內地之學生 – 有效的《往來港澳通行證》及逗留簽注;b.其他國家/地區之學生 – 有效的護照/旅行證件。
  3. 如學生未有在上述系統上載照片,須提交1吋半黑白或彩色、白底正面免冠近照一張。

E. 備註:

  1. 治安警察局於09月14日及21日兩個週六特意為本校研究新生辦理,故新生務必按照時間表參與。
  2. 逾時者需自行前往出入境事務大樓辦理所需手續。
  3. 學生名單及辦證日期已發往治安警察局,故無法更改辦理時間。
  4. 完成後請自行安排交通,可參考以下路線 (從北安大馬路搭乘 #36 到湖畔大廈轉乘 #72回校園 )。
  5. 附件一。
  6. 附件二

8822 9902 / 8822 9912


Dear student,

In accordance with Macao Law,  all non-local students (taking a Higher Education Programme at a Higher Institute in Macao are required to apply for “Special Authorization to Stay” (aka “student visa”). This document serves as a valid permit to stay in Macao. Failing to comply with this requirement will result in violation of the law and serious consequence (The violator may be expelled from Macao and prohibited to enter Macao again within two years). For more information about it, please visit:

In addition, all non-local students have to submit online applications instead of the previous paper application form for “Special Authorization to Stay” via the “Integrated Online System for Special Authorization to Stay for Non-resident Students” newly launched by the Macao Public Security Police Force with effect from 15 August, 2024. Students are required to log in to the website of the Macao Public Security Police Force or scan the QR code below to complete the online application. Student Resources Section will arrange the non-local students (including both undergraduates and postgraduates) to the Immigration Department for applying the mentioned Authorization. While it takes approximately 2 hours for the application.

After submitting the online application, please strict follow the schedule by presenting the documents below to Immigration Office for completing the procedure (see attachment 1 and attachment 2)

A. Date13-14, 16-17, 19-21, and 23-25 Sept 2024 (10 days in total)

B. Assembly Point:PGH-S3 Bus Station

C. Schedule: PG Stay Permit Schedule

D. Documents to be prepared:

  1. QR code screenshot of application;
  2. Original document:
    a. Students from Mainland China  – a valid “P.R.C. Permit for Travelling to and from Hong Kong and Macao” and “Type D – Stay” endorsement;
    b. Students from other countries / regions  – a valid passport / travel document;
  3. A recent 1.5-inch, full-face, no-hat, white-background, colored or black-and-white photo of the interested person is required if the photo has not been uploaded in the above system.

E. Remarks: 

  1. The Public Security Police Force will hold special sessions especially for UM PG freshmen on two consecutive Saturdays 14 and 21 Sept, freshmen are required to participate in accordance with the schedule;
  2. Late comer are required to approach the Immigration Office by self;
  3. The schedule has been sent to the Public Security Police Force and not able to amend;
  4. Freshmen are required to head back to campus by self, please refer to the route (take #36 from EST. PAC ON to EDIFICIO DO LAGO then transfer #72 to campus) ;
  5. Attachment 1;
  6. Attachment 2.

For any enquiries, please contact Mr. HO or Ms. NGAI
Phone: 8822 9902 / 8822 9912

Student Resources Section
Student Affairs Office