CCE organized a summer camp on Artificial Intelligence and Digital Media for students from Zhejiang University



澳門大學持續進修中心於8月25日至29日為浙江大學學生舉辧 “浙江大學-澳門大學人工智能與數字媒體研習營“,40名學員主要來自浙江大學傳媒與國際文化學院。



CCE organized a summer camp on Artificial Intelligence and Digital Media for students from Zhejiang University

From August 25 to 29, The University of Macau (UM) Centre for Continuing Education (CCE) organized ZJU-UM Camp on Artificial Intelligence and Digital Media for students from Zhejiang University, with 40 participants mainly from College of Media and International Culture of Zhejiang University.

The five-day training was rich and intensive, consisting of six lectures all delivered in English by UM senior professors. The lectures covered the development of artificial intelligence and digital media in Macao. During the campus tour, participants visited the State Key Laboratory of Internet of Things for Smart City and the Creative Media Lab at Faculty of Social Science. They were also led by Public Relations Student Ambassador to visit UM Wu Yee Sun Library, University Gallery and Residential College area. Students also went to MGM Cotai and TDM for off-campus visiting. In final part, the participants conducted group presentations, and the trainer provided detailed feedback. This training program allowed the participants to understand and experience the teaching model, academic atmosphere, and beautiful campus of UM, as well as immerse themselves in the unique blend of Chinese and Western cultures found in Macao.

Following the summer camp held in August 2023, this was the second time that College of Media and International Culture of Zhejiang University selected students to participate in a summer exchange program at UM. CCE continues to provide more high-quality training programs to strengthen cooperation between mainland prestigious universities and UM.