University of Macau Postgraduate Association, Notice for General Assembly Graduation Committee No. 3/2023 Notice of graduation gown rental
澳門大學研究生會 第 3/2023 號畢業生委員會通告 關於登記租賃研究生畢業袍的通知
This bulletin is produced by UMPA and posted by Student Development Section.

若有意租賃畢業袍的同學,請於填寫表單進行登記並线上繳納訂金MOP80。 畢委會將根據繳費順序決定畢業袍租賃的先後順序。數量有限,敬請諒解!
碩士袍:押金為 MOP500,租金為 MOP80/天(包含 MOP15/天的行政費用)
博士袍:押金為 MOP1500,租金為 MOP80/天(包含 MOP15/天的行政費用)
取袍日期:2023年3月 26日
- 取袍時將押金裝入信封裡,並寫上自己的姓名、學系和學生編號;
- 把已裝入押金的信封一同交至現場畢委會工作人員;
- 歸還租用畢業袍時,押金將原封退還;
- 請自備零錢,現場不設補水;
澳門大學第十七屆研究生會 畢業生委員會主席 |
劉瑾瑾 二〇二三年三月一日 |
Dear students,
Greetings! How time flies and here comes the graduation season! Congratulations for your graduation!
To support the 2023 graduation photo shooting, UM will offer a limited number of graduation gowns for rent. First-come, first-served.
If you are interested in renting a graduation gown, please fill out the form to register and pay the deposit of MOP80 online: The graduation committee will decide the order of graduation gown rental according to the order of payment. Please understand that the quantity is limited.
Rental fee:
The rent of graduation gowns are as follows:
Master’s Degrees – MOP 80 each day with MOP 500 deposit (include MOP 15 / day is charged as administrative fee)
Doctoral Degrees – MOP 80 each day with MOP 1,500 deposit (include MOP 15 / day is charged as administrative fee)
Gown pickup date: March 26, 2023
Office hours:13:00 -18:00
Pick-up location: University Hall (N2)
Payment instruction:
- Put the deposit in the envelope with your name, program and your student number
written on it.
- Submit the envelope (which has your deposit) and the rent in cash to the
Graduation committee.
- The deposit will be reimbursed upon return of the gown.
- Please bring your own change, there will be no replenishment on site.
- The date, time and venue of the collection and return of the gown will be notified separately.
*If you can’t register in person, you can ask your friend to pay for it and provide the size of the gown. Late Applications will not be accepted.
*Sample will be provided for your reference. Only M, L and a small number of S size gowns are provided.
*Please note that the rental gowns are reused items, some damages and flaws may appear on the gown, hood and cap.
*The deposit will not be refunded if the gown is returned with any damage.
*Lease duration will be counted by workdays; You need to return the gown on the same day you rent it. The overdue fine will be charged if the students fail to return on time.
*All registration fees are non-refundable.
For any inquiries, please contact, or contact graduation representatives. Thank you for your cooperation.
Congratulations again for your graduation!
President of Graduation Committee of 17th UMPA |
Liu Jinjin 1/03/2023 |