News Express: UM organises the first Bank of China Trophy UltiMater Entrepreneur Competition


UM organises the Bank of China Trophy UltiMater Entrepreneur Competition 


澳門大學創新創業中心舉辦首屆“2024澳門大學中銀盃極創客創業大賽”,吸引近50支隊伍參與,涵蓋醫療設備、生物科技、新材料、金融科技等多個領域。在總決賽,評審團選出6支得獎團隊,總獎金規模逾11萬澳門元。得獎名單將在今年11月8日的“澳大極創客2024 — 第三屆澳門大學創新創業展”公佈。




賽事頒獎禮將於今年11月8日舉辦的“澳大極創客2024 — 第三屆澳門大學創新創業展”上進行,屆時將展出12強隊伍的項目展板並公佈得獎的6支團隊。


UM organises the first Bank of China Trophy UltiMater Entrepreneur Competition 

The Centre for Innovation and Entrepreneurship (CIE) of the University of Macau (UM) organised the first ‘University of Macau & Bank of China Trophy UltiMater Entrepreneur Competition’. With a total prize pool of over MOP 110,000, the event attracted the participation of nearly 50 teams, spanning various sectors including medical equipment, biotechnology, new materials, and fintech. In the final assessment round, 6 winning teams were selected. These teams will be announced at ‘The UltiMater 2024 – The 3rd UM Innovation and Entrepreneurship Exhibition’ on 8 November.

The competition lasted four months, from the registration day to the final assessment round. Participating teams were required to take part in a series of activities, including a workshop on refining business plans and roadshow skills, a lecture on legal matters related to entrepreneurship, experience sharing sessions, one-on-one mentorship by entrepreneurship coaches, and the Entrepreneurship and Innovation Pilot Elite Program Training Camp at Shenzhen University. The teams also underwent assessments of their elevator pitches and business plan presentations. The judging panel first selected 12 teams to advance to the final assessment round, from which 6 winning teams were ultimately chosen. The projects of the winning teams demonstrated exceptional innovation, market potential, and feasibility, highlighting the diverse development of young people in the innovation and entrepreneurship ecosystem.

The judging panel consisted of the following members: Sou Man Kin, deputy general manager at the Bank of China (Macau) Limited (BOC Macau); Jin Weigang, president of Macao Juvenile Venture International Group Limited; Avi Sun, president of China Success (Guangdong) Capital Management Limited; Li Yongzhou, founder and chairman of Zhongke Meicheng; Chen Tianlan, founder of Digifluidic; Bill Gao, managing director of Macau Boss Translation Limited; and Filipe Lei, vice chairman of the Macao Legal Exchange and Promotion Association.

In addition, to foster a spirit of sharing and collaboration in innovation and entrepreneurship, CIE organised a celebratory dinner, where UM Business Administration doctoral students Lin Zihong, Chen Chengyi, and Zhou Jiayu were invited to share their career experiences. Other guests included Sou Man Kin, deputy general manager at BOC Macau; Chan Chong Keong, deputy general manager of the Inclusive Finance Department of BOC Macau; Cheong Meng Wai, general manager of the University of Macau Sub-branch of BOC Macau; Xu Jian, vice rector of UM; and Cindy Lam, director of the Alumni and Development Office.

The award ceremony will take place at ‘The UltiMater 2024 – The 3rd UM Innovation and Entrepreneurship Exhibition’ on 8 November. During the event, the projects of the top 12 teams will be showcased, and the 6 winning teams will be announced.

To read the news on UM’s official website, please visit the following link: