Morning Express: UM Today 《今日澳大》(for students), 04/09/2024

  Wednesday, September 04, 2024  


Time 時間 Today’s Events 今日活動 Venue 地點
07:00 – 23:00 2024 UM Sportswear Day2024 澳大運動服日 UM Campus
09:00 – 23:00 Honours College Promotion Month (Sep 2-28) (cont)榮譽學院推廣月 (9月2-28日) E12-G025
11:00 – 19:00 2024 Sports Fair2024 體育嘉年華 G/F, UM Sports Complex (N8)
14:00 – 15:15 FSS-DECO Seminar No. 272: “Productive demand, sectoral comovement, and total capacity utilization ” by Prof. Mario Rafael Silva 社會科學學院經濟學系講座: Mario Rafael Silva 教授 E21B-G002
15:00 – 16:00 Workshop: How transformative agreements help researchers publish open access papers?工作坊:How transformative agreements help researchers publish open access papers? E2-G019 Digital Scholarship Space & Zoom Zoom:
16:30 – 18:00 ICMS/SKLQRCM Distinguished Guest Seminar Series: SARS-CoV-2-Induced Activation of Mast Cell and the Hyper-Inflammation中華醫藥研究院特邀嘉賓講座系列: SARS-CoV-2-Induced Activation of Mast Cell and the Hyper-Inflammation Tencent Meeting (
More events 更多活動 / Submit an event 發佈活動
News & Upcoming Activities 新聞及活動預告 Dept. 部門
UM organises the first Bank of China Trophy UltiMater Entrepreneur Competition 澳大辦首屆中銀盃極創客創業大賽 CO
【講座報名】「跨界融合: 洞見癌症療法的創新未來」研討會(2024/09/09;N1-1005)– Chinese Only ICI
【Macao Humanities Forum】Imagine A Great Empire? A Study of Forged Li Gonglin’s Wanfang Zhigongtu by Prof. Ge Zhaoguang from Fudan University (1 Smart Point and 15 CS)【鏡海人文論壇】想像天下帝國?從(偽)李公麟《萬方職貢圖》說起 – 復旦大學 葛兆光教授 (1粒至叻星及15個CS) FAH
【Sports Teams】UM Men’s Basketball Team captured 5th place at “2024 Macau Basketball Open (Junior Division)”【體 . 校隊】澳大男子籃球隊於「2024 全澳籃球公開賽(初級組)」中獲得第五名 OSA
REMINDER: Blood Donation in UM Campus (5th September at Student Activity Centre E31)提提您: 澳大校園捐血日 (9月5日於學生活動中心E31) HSEO
The 23rd Macao-wide English Speech Contest & 30th “21st Century Cup” National English Speaking Competition Macao Regional Contest (Deadline: 17 Sep 2024)第二十三屆全澳英語演講大賽暨第三十屆「 21世紀杯」全國英語演講大賽澳門分區賽 (截止日期: 2024年09月17日) SAO-SRS
More news 更多新聞 / Submit news 發佈新聞
Internal Notices 校內通告 Dept. 部門
CO Tips (8): How to write a press release and select photos?傳訊部貼士(8):如何撰寫新聞稿及挑選相片? CO-PRS
[For Staff Only] 集中採購 Centralized Procurement 2024 schedule and 2nd call for Office supplies & first aid kits (Deadline: 30 Sep 2024, 5:30 p.m.) ADMO-PCT
APAEM 2024 Issue 02 Newsletter is available now!《亞太經濟與管理研究所2024年度02期簡報》現已推出! APAEM
PhD Oral Defense in Faculty of Science and Technology, by Ms. Wenjing ZHANG, on 11 Sep 2024 FST
Food Safety Tips (09/2024): Natural Toxins in Food食安小貼士 (09/2024): 食品中的天然毒素 HSEO
All active notices 所有內部通告
Student Notices 學生通告 Dept. 部門
全國大學英語四、六級考試:網上報名(報名日期:04/09/2024 -11/09/2024) AAO-REG
The University of Macau Cantonese Debating Team has won the championship and second place in the “2024 Hong Kong and Macao Cantonese Debating Contest”澳門大學廣東話辯論隊日前在“2024港澳大專辯論邀請賽”包攬冠亞軍! SAO-SRS
REMINDER: 【Online Further Study Workshop】 How to Prepare a Personal Statement and Resume (Registration Deadline: 8 Sep)溫馨提示:【網上升學工作坊】 如何準備個人陳述及履歷(截止報名日期:9月8日) SAO-SCS
HC Promotion Activity Series: Alumni SharingHC 推廣活動系列:校友分享 HC
Morning Express: UM Today 《今日澳大》(for students), 03/09/2024 CO
“Macau Buddhism Foundation Scholarship” Open for Application「澳門佛教基金會獎學金」接受申請 CMS
Reminder: Seminar for National Safety and Security (4 Sep, 15:00)提提你:”國家安全與我”講座 (9月4日下午3時) SAO-SDS
“Macau Tung Sin Tong Scholarship” Open for Application「澳門同善堂獎學金」接受申請 CMS
All active student notices 所有學生通告
“UM Today” is a daily internal e-newsletter released by the Communications Office, which aims to provide UM members with the up-to-date information about events, seminars, news, internal notices and student activities. To review the previous issues of UM Today, please access the UM Today Database. Should you have any enquiries about UM Today, please feel free to contact the Communications Office at 88228090 or





First Released time首次發佈時間: 04/09/2024 09:00