External Activity: DSEDJ: Teachers’ Day Activities

校外活動: 教育及青年發展局: 教師節活動

This information is provided by DSEDJ and posted by the  Student Affairs Office.


1. 教師節專題網頁”沿途有您 – 謝謝老師!”

2. 教師節電視特輯”沿途有您 XII”

3. 喜迎雙慶教師節海報及漫畫作品展

To celebrate the Teachers’ Day, the Education and Youth Development Bureau is going to launch the following celebrative activities.

1.Leave thank you messages to teachers
From today to 21 Sep, students, teachers and residents are welcome to leave thank you messages to teachers on the designated webpage.

2. TV programme (in Chinese)
Starting from 6 Sep, students and teachers can watch the latest episode of the TV programme.

3. Dual Celebration Teachers’ Day Poster and Comic Exhibition
The exhibition will be held at Centre of Educational Resources on 4-21 Sep. All are welcome.