News Express: ‘A Comprehensive Collection of Ancient Chinese Paintings’ Special Exhibition in Macao will open at UM next Monday


“盛世修典 ─‘中國歷代繪畫大系’成果展‧澳門特展”下周一澳大揭幕
‘A Comprehensive Collection of Ancient Chinese Paintings’ Special Exhibition in Macao will open at UM next Monday


“盛世修典 ─‘中國歷代繪畫大系’成果展‧澳門特展”將於9月9日(星期一)下午3時於澳門大學藝術博物館展廳開幕,展出“中國歷代繪畫大系”所收錄作品中精挑細選的代表作;同日還將舉辦“大學講壇:殊途同歸 ─ 黃賓虹與波洛克講座”,歡迎有興趣人士參加。



澳大同日下午4時半還將舉辦“大學講壇”,盛世修典 —“中國歷代繪畫大系"成果展策展人、浙江大學藝術與考古學院副院長、浙江大學當代藝術設計研究所所長王小松,將以“殊途同歸 ─ 黃賓虹與波洛克”為題進行演講。講座以普通話在澳大圖書館演講廳(E2-G012)進行,報名請登入網頁:。如有查詢,請致電+853 8822 8878或電郵至與黃小姐聯繫。



‘A Comprehensive Collection of Ancient Chinese Paintings’ Special Exhibition in Macao will open at UM next Monday

‘Compilation of Classics in the Flourishing Age—Special Exhibition in Macao for Compiling “A Comprehensive Collection of Ancient Chinese Paintings”’ will open on 9 September (Monday) at 3:00pm at the Museum of Art of the University of Macau (UM). The exhibition is organised by UM and Zhejiang University, and supported by the University of Macau Development Foundation and Zhejiang University Press. Featuring nearly 500 meticulously curated ancient Chinese paintings, the exhibition showcases invaluable treasures of traditional Chinese culture and is a representation of the cultural confidence of the Chinese nation. The exhibition will run until 9 February 2025 at the UM Museum of Art, which is located on the first and second floors of the UM Library (E2). It is open from 10:00am to 7:00pm daily, including public holidays (except the first three days of the Chinese New Year). Admission to the exhibition is free. For more information, please visit the website of the Museum of Art at

Also on 9 September, Wang Xiaosong, curator of the exhibition, associate dean of the School of Art and Archaeology at Zhejiang University, and director of the Institute of Contemporary Art and Design at Zhejiang University, will give a talk titled ‘Different Paths, Converging Visions: Huang Binhong and Jackson Pollock’ as part of the University Lecture Series. The talk will start at 4:30pm in the Auditorium of the UM Library (E2-G012) and will be conducted in Mandarin. Interested individuals can register at For enquiries, please call +853 8822 8878 or email All are welcome to attend.

In addition, to support the long-term development of the Department of Arts and Design of the UM Faculty of Arts and Humanities, the UM Library has established a ‘Art Books Corner’ area on its second floor. This section displays a collection of art books and related resources, aiming to enhance the knowledge of art among faculty, students, and the public.

To read the news on UM’s official website, please visit the following link: