CO Tips (11): Participate in ‘Film UM and Win a Prize’ to share your UM life

聯絡人:林嘉敏小姐(電郵:,電話:8822 8088)
1. 如有任何異議,澳門大學保留最終解釋及決定權。
2. 如作品涉及侵權問題,責任由參加者承擔。
3. 若得獎者無法於指定時間內領獎,主辦單位有權取消得獎資格
Do you enjoy capturing your everyday life or experiences with a camera? If so, don’t miss out on the ‘Film UM and Win a Prize’ sharing event! Film your wonderful moments at UM and share your video to receive a MOP50 book voucher. You can also win a cash prize of MOP500 if your video is selected!
How to participate:
1. Create a video of no longer than 2 minutes with UM as the theme.
2. Share the video on your personal WeChat video channel, Facebook, Instagram, Xiaohongshu, Bilibili, Douyin, Kuaishou, or TikTok, and tag UM.
3. Take a screenshot, and send it via direct message to UM’s official account on one of the abovementioned social media platforms.
4. By completing the steps above, you become a successful participant.
Submission period: From now until 31 December 2024
Who can participate: UM students, staff and alumni
How to collect your prize: Successful participants will be notified to collect a MOP50 book voucher. If your video is selected by UM’s Communications Office for promotional purposes, you will also be notified to collect the MOP500 cash prize.
Contact us: Ms Emma Lam at 8822 8088 or
* In case of any disputes, the interpretation and decision of the University of Macau shall be final.
*Participants are liable for any copyright infringement issues arising from their work.
*If the winner fails to claim their prize within the designated period, the organiser reserves the right to disqualify them from receiving the prize.
More CO Tips 更多傳訊部貼士:
CO Tips (1): About UM motto, emblem and logo 傳訊部貼士(1):認識澳大校訓、校徽及標誌
CO Tips (2): How to apply UM logo correctly? 傳訊部貼士(2):如何正確使用澳大標誌?
CO Tips (3): How to receive the latest news about UM? 傳訊部貼士(3):如何接收大學最新訊息?
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CO Tips (5): How to purchase UM souvenirs? 傳訊部貼士(5):如何購買澳大紀念品?
CO Tips (6): Get UM promotional materials and tell UM stories together! 傳訊部貼士(6):索取澳大宣傳資料,一起講好澳大故事!
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