Morning Express: UM Today 《今日澳大》(for students), 11/09/2024

  Wednesday, September 11, 2024  


Time 時間 Today’s Events 今日活動 Venue 地點
09:00 – 17:30 Cultural Heitage: Deng Fen Documents Exhibiton and opening ceremony (cont)《文化傳承–鄧芬文獻資料展》及展覽開幕式 E2-G007, UM Wu Yee Sun Library
09:30 – 12:30 CTLE Half-day Professional Development Event: Strategies of Interactive Lecturing教師專業發展半天活動「互動教學新思維:實用策略分享 」 E3-1032, BOC Centennial Building
10:00 – 19:00 Celebrating the 75th Anniversary of the People’s Republic of China and the 25th Anniversary of the Macao SAR: Compilation of Classics in the Flourishing Age Special Exhibition in Macao for Compiling A Comprehensive Collection of Ancient Chinese Paintings (cont)慶祝中華人民共和國成立75周年暨澳門特別行政區成立25周年 ── 盛世修典-中國歷代繪畫大系成果展﹒澳門特展 1F/2F, Museum of Art, University of Macau Wu Yee Sun Library(E2)
14:00 – 15:15 FSS-DECO Seminar No. 273: “A Complexity Hierarchy for Stochastic Choice” by Prof. Erya YANG社會科學學院經濟學系講座: 楊爾雅教授 E21B-G002
15:00 – 16:00 Library Workshop: Derwent Innovation – Exploring the Landscape of AI Patents, Empowering Technological Innovation Research in Universities圖書館工作坊: Derwent Innovation: 探索AI專利版圖,賦能高校技術創新研究 Room G019, University of Macau Library (E2) Note: Online & On-Site Teaching Simultaneously. Online Workshop Link:
17:30 – 19:00 FAH/DPHIL Lecture Series – “Fearing Climate-Fictions: Emotions, Persuasion, and the Aesthetic Appreciation of Cli-Fi” by Dr. Marta Benenti人文學院哲學與宗教學系系列講座:”Fearing Climate-Fictions: Emotions, Persuasion, and the Aesthetic Appreciation of Cli-Fi”,Marta Benenti博士 E21A-3118 & Zoom
More events 更多活動 / Submit an event 發佈活動
News & Upcoming Activities 新聞及活動預告 Dept. 部門
General manager of China Southern Power Grid leads delegation to visit UM中國南方電網董事總經理率團訪澳大 CO
‘Power System Engineering Training Towards Carbon Neutrality (PSECN) Professional Certificate Training Course’ commenced at UM澳大新一期電力系統邁向碳中和培訓課程開課 CO
250 Free Tickets: Macao Orchestra “iSING! Echoes of Ancient Tang Poems ” (Date: 14 September 2024, 20:00, University of Macau – University Hall (N2))250 張免費門票:澳門樂團《iSING! 唐詩的回響》 (2024年09月14日, 20:00, 澳門大學大學會堂(N2)) SAO-SRS
【UM Sports Fest】Updates (1) 2024 UM Sports Fest – Schedules and Registration Details of Sports Experience and Sports Competitions (Open for Registration)【澳大體育節】最新消息(1) : 2024 澳大體育節 – 運動體驗及運動比賽時間表及報名詳情 (現正接受報名) OSA
FSS-DPSY Research Colloquium: “Why Intelligent People Do Unnatural Things” by Prof. Satoshi KANAZAWA on 17 Sep 2024, 14:30-15:30 at E21B-G016社會科學學院心理學系研討會:Satoshi KANAZAWA教授, 17/09/2024, 14:30-15:30 @E21B-G016 FSS
【IAS】Distinguished Guest Lecture Series – Prof. John Braithwaite “New and Old Macrocriminologies” (20 September 2024; 10:30-12:30 PM)【高研院】特邀嘉賓講座:John Braithwaite教授 – “新舊宏觀犯罪學” (2024年9月20日;上午10:30-12:30) IAS
The First Graduate of the Greater Bay Area University Joint Programme – Tam Chi Fong’s Cross-Border Academic Journey大灣區高校聯培計劃首名畢業生 – 譚志豐跨越兩地的求學路 FST
HC Promotion Activity Series: Clay Biscuits Making x Climate Change Documentary SharingHC 推廣活動系列: 泥餅製作 x 西方神農氏記錄片分享 HC
【Sports Activity】Free Ticket: 2024 Macau Lindan Cup Badminton Open, 14 to15 Sep (Registration starts at 13:00 on 12 Sep, First-come first-served basis)【體 . 活動】免費門票: 2024澳門林丹盃羽毛球公開賽, 9月14-15日 (9月12日下午13:00開始登記,名額有限,先到先得) OSA
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Internal Notices 校內通告 Dept. 部門
Pest Control for Green Areas in September 20242024年9月之綠化區域蟲害防治工作 CMDO-CSS
Mosquito extermination by the Health Bureau on 13 Sep 2024 (Friday)衛生局於2024年9月13日(星期五)進行滅蚊工作 CMDO-CSS
[For Staff Only] Training Courses Organized by the Public Administration and Civil Service Bureau (SAFP) (2nd Series of September 2024)[僅供職員] 行政公職局:培訓課程 (2024年9月份第2期) ADMO-HRS
[For Staff Only] UM Holds In-house Staff Training on “Smart Cities and Data Governance in the Chinese Mainland”, “Chinese Literature and Culture in Modern Transition” and “Significance of the “Outline Development Plan for the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area” to Moderate Economic Diversification in Macao” in Quarter 3 of 2024[僅供職員] 澳大於2024年第三季為員工舉辦「內地智慧城市與數據治理」、「中國文學與文化的現代變遷」及「《粵港澳大灣區發展規劃綱要》對澳門經濟適度多元的意義」培訓課程 ADMO-HRS
[For Staff Only] Call for Application: FDCT Funding Scheme for Scientific Research and Innovation – Type A and Type B (2024 2nd batch)[僅供職員] 項目徵集:澳門科學技術發展基金科研及創新資助計劃 – A類及B類 (2024年第二批) RSKTO
All active notices 所有內部通告
Student Notices 學生通告 Dept. 部門
News Express: General manager of China Southern Power Grid leads delegation to visit UM新聞快訊:中國南方電網董事總經理率團訪澳大 CO-PRS
News Express: ‘Power System Engineering Training Towards Carbon Neutrality (PSECN) Professional Certificate Training Course’ commenced at UM新聞快訊:澳大新一期電力系統邁向碳中和培訓課程開課 CO-PRS
External Activity: General Association of Chinese Students of Macao: Learning Activity about Parent-youth relationship校外活動: 澳門中華學生聯合總會: “你有壓力!我有壓力!”——青少年親子相處研學團 SAO
Minzu University of China Visits the University of Macau for Cultural Exchange and Flash Mob Performance中央民族大學到訪澳門大學進行交流及快閃表演活動 SAO-SRS
Morning Express: UM Today 《今日澳大》(for students), 10/09/2024 CO
All active student notices 所有學生通告
“UM Today” is a daily internal e-newsletter released by the Communications Office, which aims to provide UM members with the up-to-date information about events, seminars, news, internal notices and student activities. To review the previous issues of UM Today, please access the UM Today Database. Should you have any enquiries about UM Today, please feel free to contact the Communications Office at 88228090 or



First Released time首次發佈時間: 11/09/2024 09:00