MCM College: “The Art of Public Speaking” Workshop


On 3rd September, 2024, a workshop “The Art of Public Speaking” was held at Moon Chun Memorial College, University of Macau, which attracted many students interested in the subject. The workshop was facilitated by Mr. Alan Chan, Coach of UM Pubic Speaking Team, and aimed to enhance participants’ speaking skills and ability to structure their speeches.

Mr. Chan introduced the basic ideas for structuring paragraphs, enabling participants to effectively organize their content. Shortly after, he encouraged participants to engage in group discussions and practice with three given topics, which were not only stimulating, but also promoted interaction amongst them.

Finally, Ms. Camilla Manansala, team leader of UM Pubic Speaking Team shared her personal experiences in public speaking, including practical tips on overcoming nervousness and improving stage presence. Participants actively asked questions, creating a lively atmosphere. Many expressed they benefited greatly from the workshop as it boosted their confidence. Through practice and interaction, participants gained a deeper understanding and appreciation of public speaking.

Text: Cassius Cheng (Residential Assistant)

“The workshop was very informative and interactive, fostering a positive and productive learning environment.” – Angel Erin Sudiea Brown

“After a brainstorming session, the originally messy content in my mind was connected into a clear line of thought through PREER.” – Feng Yunyun

“Public speaking is a life skill that each and every one of us will acquire. Simply because communication is the tool that bridges each of us. This workshop allowed me to integrate my knowledge learned and provide a chance for me to speak up.” – Cheng Chi Kio

Introduction to the Concept of PREER

Group Discussion

Certificate of Appreciation presented by College Master

Group Photo



最後,澳大演講隊隊長Camilla Manansala分享她在公開演講中的個人經驗,包括如何克服緊張情緒和提高舞台表現力的實用技巧。參與者踴躍提問,氣氛熱烈。大家紛紛表示這次工作坊讓他們受益匪淺,增強了自信心。透過練習和互動,參與者對公開演講有了更深入的理解和欣賞。


「工作坊內容豐富,互動性強,營造了積極、有成效的學習環境。」- Angel Erin Sudiea Brown

「經歷了一個頭腦風暴,我腦子裡原本雜亂無章的內容,通過PREER串聯成了一條清晰的思路。」 – 馮 昀 昀

「公開演講是我們每個人都會掌握的生活技能。原因很簡單,因為溝通是連結我們每個人的工具。這個工作坊讓我能夠整合所學的知識,並給我一個發言的機會。」 – 程子僑



