UMSU: Voting Day and Ballot Counting for the Election of 27th Management Board of UMSU

澳大學生會: 第二十七屆澳門大學學生會領導機關選舉投票日及選票核算

本通告由 澳門大學學生會選舉委員會 製作,學生發展處代傳。
This bulletin is produced by the Election Committee of UMSU and posted by Student Development Section.

根據澳門大學學生會第 4/2024 號內部規章《領導機關選舉制度》關於選舉之規定,選舉形式為組閣形式選舉,並以直接及不記名投票形式進行,選舉結果將對外公佈。根據澳門大學學生會選舉委員會第1/2024號之選舉日程,第十七屆澳門大學研究生會領導機關選舉將於9月24日,9月25日及9月26日澳門標準時間 11 時至 20 時接受澳門大學學生會全體會員投票,並於9月27日進行選票核算及公佈結果。相關信息如下:

1. 工商管理學院(E22)書院方向入口
2. 教育學院(E33)書院方向入口
3. 中央教學樓東四座(E4)正門巴士站入口方向左方
4. 中央教學樓東六座(E6)學習共享空間
5. 澳大綜合體育館(N8)地面層
6. 薈萃坊(S8)地面層樓梯處背面

1. 人文學院(E21A)書院方向入口
2. 社會科學學院(E21B)學習共享空間
3. 法學院(E32)學習共享空間
4. 中央教學樓東四座(E4)正門巴士站入口方向左方
5. 中央教學樓東六座(E6)學習共享空間
6. 薈萃坊(S8)地面層樓梯處背面

1. 科技學院(E11)書院方向入口
2. 健康科學學院(E12)書院方向入口
3. 中央教學樓東六座(E6)學習共享空間
4. 薈萃坊(S8)地面層樓梯處背面
5. 澳大綜合體育館(N8)地面層
6. 研究生宿舍(主校區)西三十二座(W32)室外地面

選票核算日期及地點:9 月 27 日 10:00 澳門大學學生活動中心E31- 1001室

2.總票數中得票最高的組別當選該屆監事會;若當選組別其後被取消資格,則由緊接最⾼得 票的組別當選。若無其他組別,則會員大會主席團應按臨時管理制度開始籌組成立臨時監事會。
3. 投票率必須逹到百分之十,即1,516人投票,包括廢票及空白票,是次選舉方為有效,否則須重新投票。



澳門大學學生會選舉委員會 主席

According to the electoral provisions in the Internal Regulation No. 4/2024 of the UMSU “Leadership Election System,” the election will be conducted in the form of a cabinet, with direct and anonymous ballots. The election results will be announced publicly. According to the Election Schedule No. 1/2024 of the UMSU Election Committee, the voting days for the Election of the Management Board of the 27th UMSU will be on September 24th, 25th, and 26th from 11:00 to 20:00 Macau Standard Time, and the ballot counting and result announcement will be on September 27th. The details are as follows:

Voting Dates and Locations:
September 24th (Tuesday)
1. Faculty of Business Administration (E22) Faculty Entrance Facing the Residential Colleges
2. Faculty of Education (E33) Faculty Entrance Facing the Residential Colleges
3. Central Teaching Building (E4) Left Side of the Bus Stop Main Entrance  
4. Central Teaching Building (E6) Learning Commons
5. UM Sports Complex (N8) Ground Floor
6. University Mall (S8) Ground Floor Backside of Staircase 

September 25th (Wednesday)
1. Faculty of Arts and Humanities (E21A) Faculty Entrance Facing the Residential Colleges
2. Faculty of Social Sciences (E21B) Learning Commons
3. Faculty of Law (E32) Learning Commons
4. Central Teaching Building (E4) Left Side of the Bus Stop Main Entrance
5. Central Teaching Building (E6) Learning Commons
6. University Mall (S8) Ground Floor Backside of Staircase

September 26th (Thursday)
1. Faculty of Science and Technology (E11) Faculty Entrance Facing the Residential Colleges
2. Faculty of Health Sciences (E12) Faculty Entrance Facing the Residential Colleges 
3. Central Teaching Building  (E6) Learning Commons
4. University Mall (S8) Ground Floor Backside of Staircase
5. UM Sports Complex (N8) Ground Floor
6. Postgraduate House in Main Campus (W32) Outdoor Ground Floor

Ballot Counting Date and Location: September 27th, 10:00 UM Student Activity Center E31-1001

Election Conditions:
According to the statistics of registered students for the first semester of the 2024/2025 academic year at the University of Macau, as of September 11, 2024, the total number of registered students is 15,157. The conditions for the election are as follows:
1. If there is only one candidate group for the General Assembly Presidium and the Board of Directors, a confidence vote will be conducted. If the confidence votes exceed the non-confidence votes, the candidate group will be elected; otherwise, the General Assembly Presidium will start organizing the formation of a temporary General Assembly Presidium and Board of Directors according to the temporary management system.
2. The group with the highest number of votes will be elected as the Supervisory Board; if the elected group is disqualified, the group with the next highest number of votes will be elected. If there are no other groups, the General Assembly Presidium will start organizing the formation of a temporary Supervisory Board according to the temporary management system.
3. The voter turnout must reach 10%, i.e., 1,516 votes, including invalid and blank votes, for the election to be valid; otherwise, a re-election will be required.

The Election Committee urges UM students to actively exercise their voting rights. All members of the UMSU are welcome to participate in the voting.

UMSU Election Committee
President Liao Hanzi
September 15, 2024

(The Chinese version shall prevail)