MCM College: Camões House Tennis Experience.


On September 18th 2024, Camões House Resident Assistant, Thomas Feng organised a successful tennis experiential learning session at UM’s outdoor tennis courts. The activity began with Coach He Yuyang introducing the fundamental rules of tennis. His clear explanations helped everyone understand the game’s structure and scoring system.

Coach He demonstrated basic tennis techniques, including the proper grip for securing the racket, stance, and techniques to hit the ball. Participants eagerly practiced those skills, whilst gaining immediate hands-on experience. The atmosphere was lively, and  everyone seemed so eager to learn and improve.

The highlight of the event was the practice matches, where participants paired up to engage in friendly rallies. This not only enhanced their skills but also fostered camaraderie among players.

In short, the event was an excellent opportunity for students to encapsulate several core competencies such as knowledge integration as well as teamwork and healthy lifestyle within a supportive environment.

2024年9月18日,Camões house RA馮雍沁在澳大的室外網球場成功組織了一場網球體驗學習活動。活動由何雨陽教練介紹網球基本規則開始。他清晰的解釋説明大家理解了比賽的結構和得分系統。


