【Sports Teams】”UM Martial Arts Team Fun Day” was successfully held

【體 . 校隊】「澳大武術隊同樂日」圓滿結束

UM Martial Arts Team Fun Day Group Photo


Activity Highlights


UM Martial Arts Team Fun Day was successfully held

The UM Martial Arts Team Fun Day was held successfully on 21 Sep at UM Sports Complex (N8) – Sports Pavilion. A total of 50 UM students participated in this activity.

The Office of Sports Affairs (OSA) organized this activity with the aim to let UM students know more about Martial Arts, interact with the university team members, and experience the charm of the sport through designated teaching sessions.

The Fun Day began with an introduction to the team’s history, past achievements, and team members. Following was Q&A session to let the participants know more about the background of Martial Arts. After that, an experience session was conducted, and all participants lined up in some rows to warm up and practice basic skills together with the team. At last, the team performed different Martial arts routines and received applause from all student participants. 

The Fun Day was thoroughly enjoyed by both the participants and the team members, who provided positive feedback about the activity.







Thank you for your support !

Office of Sports Affairs (OSA)