FED Scholars Ranked World’s Top 2% of the Most-cited Scientists 2024


Dear Colleagues and Students,

We are pleased to inform you that Stanford University recently released an update of the list that represents the top 2 % of the most-cited scientists in various disciplines.  Five members of the Faculty of Education, including Prof. Biying HUProf. Shing On LEUNGProf. Shulin YUProf. Rui YUAN and Prof. Mingming ZHOU are ranked in either the career-long or the single-year rankings. Their research areas cover educational psychology, educational technology, language education, teacher education, educational measurement, and early childhood education.

Sources: https://elsevier.digitalcommonsdata.com/datasets/btchxktzyw/7

Thank you for your kind attention.

Faculty of Education


        史丹褔大學發布了2024全球前2%頂尖科學家榜單 (World’s Top 2% Scientists)。該榜單基於Scopus資料庫的引用資料系統分析,以被引數、H指數及HM因子等6種綜合指標,根據 “生涯影響力” 和 “年度影響力” 從近700 萬名科學家中遴選出世界排名前2%的科學家,分為22個領域和174個細分子領域。此次更新的榜單中,教育學院有5位學者包括: 胡碧穎教授梁成安教授于書林教授袁睿教授周明明教授入選 “終身科學影響力榜單”(關注整個學術生涯迄今的影響力)和 “年度科學影響力榜單” (聚焦2023年度學術成就)。研究領域覆蓋教育心理學、教育技術學、語言教育、教師教育、教育測評及學前教育,進一步擴大了教育學院的國際學術影響力。

        資料來源:https://elsevier.digitalcommonsdata.com/datasets/btchxktzyw/7 ,謝謝!


教育學院 謹啟