FED – Opening Ceremony of the “A Collection of Children’s Literature by UM Undergraduate Students and Alumni” Exhibition

教育學院 ─ “澳門大學本科生與校友兒童文學創作展” 開幕儀式

The “A Collection of Children’s Literature by UM Undergraduate Students and Alumni” exhibition, organized by the Faculty of Education (FED) at the University of Macau (UM), was grandly inaugurated on 23 September 2024. The exhibition, located in the Main Lobby of FED (E33), will run until 26 September, showcasing 30 outstanding works of children’s literature created by undergraduate students and alumni, including poetry collections, books, and novels.

The opening ceremony was officiated by Prof. Lianghuo FAN, Dean of FED; Ms. Sut Chan CHEANG, Head of Centre of Moral Education of the Education and Youth Development Bureau; Mr. Chap Chong PANG, Dean of Students at UM; Ms. Cyan CHEONG, President of The Macanese Publishing Limited and President of the Macau Association of Reading Popularization and Ms. Yingying MA, President of the Macau Writers Association. Dean Fan stated that the exhibition reflects the creative works of undergraduates in the appreciation and teaching of children’s literature, as well as in art and literature courses, showcasing their talents and inner worlds. He emphasized that FED is committed to cultivating students’ creativity and practical abilities, expressing gratitude for the support from various parties for the exhibition.

Mr. Pang highlighted the importance of students’ creativity and hands-on skills in extracurricular activities, encouraging students to actively participate in creation to promote the development of local literature in Macau. Ms. Cheong shared her experiences as a UM alumna, discussing the motivations behind launching her own publishing company and inviting interested students to intern there. Ms. Ma remarked that children’s literature is not only reading material for children but also an essential tool for shaping their worldview and values, encouraging students to maintain their love and dreams for literature.

Additionally, Ms. Cheang presented books to Dean Fan to show support and congratulations for the exhibition. At the end of the opening ceremony, students engaged in talking with the guests, exploring the relationship between research and creation and how to balance educational significance with creativity in children’s literature.

Other guests at the opening ceremony included Prof. Mingming ZHOU, Associate Dean (Research) of FED; Prof. Barry Lee REYNOLDS, Programme Director of Master’s Programme of FED; Prof. Tien Ping HSIANG, Programme Coordinator of Bachelor of Education Programme (Primary) of FED; Dr. Guo Jie CAI, Senior Instructor of FED; Prof. Chengcheng YOU, Assistant Professor of the Faculty of Arts at UM and Prof. Congqian ZHU, Assistant Professor of the University International College at the Macau University of Science and Technology.

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Faculty of Education






        出席開幕儀式的嘉賓還包括澳門大學教育學院副院長(研究)周明明、澳門大學教育學院教育研究生課程主任Barry Lee REYNOLDS、澳門大學教育學院教育學學士學位課程統籌人(小學教育)向天屏、澳門大學教育學院高級導師蔡國傑、澳門大學人文學院助理教授尤呈呈以及澳門科技大學國際學院助理教授朱叢遷。



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